Microsoft sends data center under the sea.

in #technology7 years ago

Microsoft sends data center under the sea.pngPicture- Microsoft

Microsoft has sent a data center under the Scottish Sea. The US software giants company has taken the project to check if the sea water cools down to reduce power consumption.

Generally data centers produce plenty of heat. And to reduce energy costs, big companies are creating data centers in cool countries.

According to the technology site report, Microsoft will examine the data center for five years at the bottom of the bay to reduce energy costs. In 2015, the company dipped a data center for five months on the California coast.

This year's data center will be under water for five years. There are 864 servers and 27.6pattabytes in this data center at 12 shelves. About 50 million movies can be stored in it. And the capacity of several thousand high-end desktop PCs will be equal to the data center.

Under the sea, power will be provided to the data center through the renewable energy of her and the Orkney Islands. The cable has been told that the server will be connected to the Internet.

Microsoft's prospect 'NATIC', the research project, will bring out design and operation problems. The decision will be made from this, in reality, more such data centers will be created around the world.