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RE: A.I. Will Accidentally Emerge Through The Blockchain

in #technology8 years ago

-GOD man how you create this amazing univers?
-I just say TRY and CHOOSE inside a empty and dark room.

One flower is red because before was blue, why? because red is a color that atract more bees, so the bees spread the red polen more than the blues, so you get why the flower was blue are now red, but this random mistake is not made by the intelligence of the flower and of course the bee don't know why can see better the red ones, just take the easy way, ok from here the evolution random mistake, but tell me why the flower need the bee, and way the bee need a flower, because for some random mistakes? o from a rule?. This accidents are made by millions of years, this is why we see an incredibly varied life that is extraordinary and incredibly complex, but... by accident or not life is terribly intelligent as our eyes, by algorithms we exist, think and feel, and we (humans) try to create intelligent virtual life based on algorithms that are a lot of accidental coincidences without sense but with a basic rules that is TRY AND CHOOSE, evolution 2.0? in 100 years may be are in the same point where natural evolution need 100.000.000 years and random mistakes, but the direction for shure is the same TRY AND CHOOSE. Why alghoritms exist?, what an algorithm does is what life does? try and choose the best random mistake are more useful. Is that algoritm created from?, will the univers exist if life never exist, how can somethings exist on somewhere is nothing.
Dont know to much about physics and chemistry, but before the univers was 2 rules, first rule TRY (to spread the polen) and second rule CHOOSE (the way is better for the first rule). NO MATTER HOW MANY RANDOM MISTAKES IT TAKES UNTIL THE POLEN BE SPREAD, our curiosity make as more intelligent and our intelligence makes us build spaceships to colonize other planets because we are curious, the curiosity are a random mistake? but wherever are the random mistakes and how many will be, in the end we and everything just follow the first and the second rules. So imagine how big and powerfull is that words (rules) in a random infinty mistakes.