All Consuming "Progress" Crushing Humanity

in #technology10 months ago


The recent Apple iPad Pro advertisement has sparked intense reactions and criticism online, with it being interpreted as the technologists celebrating with glee, the crushing of individual human creative endeavours into a machine, that squished the creative spirit out as a sludge by product, leaving behind, only a cold sterile calculating machine.

It came across as the Matrix with a Mc Happy Face, would you like fries with that? Or, you will create nothing and be happy. The following image expresses the sentiment exactly.

Technologists miss the mark

I want AI to do my laundry and dishes so that I can do art and writing, not for AI to do my art and writing so that I can do my laundry and dishes.

Wait! Hang on, weren't the globalist utopian technocrats promising a future of leisure and creativity, because AI will take over the drudgery of work, because we'll all be on Universal Basic Income?

The Apple advertisement is convergent with a rising tide of frustration that many creatives have been facing, seeing their works consumed as data sets to train Large Language Models, otherwise sold to the public as, "Artificial Intelligence".

As all of the major tech companies rush to capitalise on the AI gold rush, regardless of what copyright laws they have broken, it seemed to be that Apple were rubbing people's noses in the proverbial, mocking them, and gloating over their theft and enslavement of human creative output to their profit.

The sheer wanton destruction of many items that represent people's enjoyment of the creative process, the Apple ad, is what left people in shock, disbelief and finally anger.

sheer wanton destruction of creative endeavours

Apple has apologized for the ad, acknowledging that it "missed the mark" and stating that its goal is to celebrate the diverse ways users express themselves through the iPad. However the horse has already bolted. Since creatives form a large part of Apple's target customer base, who are already suffering under the AI robber barons, the advertisement hit a very raw nerve, and showed, that even their cherished tech cult priests in reality cared not a jot for real human creativity.


People are increasingly seeing through the hollowness of the "forever" tech advances of the latest shiny product or software version. The end goal is to consume, and for humanity to offer up it's creative soul on the altar of tech. The large press in the Apple advert even has the look of an altar soaked in blood. The very thing people are craving, tactile creative experiences is slaughtered, for what, another product that you don't even truly own, because you don't even have the right repair.


The pain of technological "advancement" at all costs, is already being felt by multitudes of people who are losing jobs, or seeing the businesses dry up because of AI.

Microsoft have taken things a whole new level where their latest operating system, Windows 11, being literal spyware. The operating system will take screenshots without your consent. The new Windows 11 "feature", Recall is described as a "photographic memory" for your PC, making local Windows searches much faster by constantly taking screenshots of everything you do. It takes Orwellian surveillance to another level.

Microsoft's assurance that is not spyware and that the screenshots would stay locally on their PCs, has been met with scorn, as Windows is the operating system that is most often backdoored by malware and three letter government agencies.

You might recall a meme from a few years back, "Facebook, you are the product", which encapsulates the sociopathic attitudes Big Tech has towards, what was once their customers, to now their product.


It seems increasingly that the attitude of Big Tech, is that people and their data are serfs in a technological feudalism, where the tech lords wage war over ownership rights of the peasants, toiling in the fields producing more data, the new digital gold.

But it seems people are growing weary of this, and starting to opt out. There is a current boom in dumb phones. If you're old enough to remember, the old style Nokias we used when the mobile phone craze took off.

While this trend does include a reluctance to produce meta data for the tech overlords, it seems to stem more from the desire to be free of the digital chains, attention devouring apps and devices. Some people are starting to wake up and realise, they have digital addictions, and the tech giants are the dealers and pushers.

There is a spark of the human soul in some that yearns to be free, yearning for a time when we were masters of our own human relationships.


I have managed to miss that ad (I miss a lot of things mostly deliberately x_x).

Do you think this will trigger more people to risk the jump to linux and foss?

Some will be so disgusted to do so. But it's not the tipping point for mass migration to Linux and FOSS yet. It needs a huge influencer to take the masses by the hand and show them how to do it, because the media, bought and paid for by Apple and M$ will never do it.

There's a running campaign on Twitter, showing people the FOSS alternatives to Adobe software. Again, this was a reaction to the inbuilt AI.

The huge influencer thing kind of amuses me (especially given just how many things that already exist that handhold people on how to do it already) but I guess that's true.

And I wonder what would push one of those types to do it given how many big Youtubers I've seen previously begging Youtube not to cancel them instead of considering alternatives.

Most of us are sheep, hence influencers.

It's about reach. YouTube simple has the numbers, whereas the alternative platforms come nowhere near the mark, although, they are growing. It takes time, as it did for YouTube.

On a side not with YT, funny how this year they tried to block people using ad blockers. It never worked, I'm still using an ab blocker. =)

Yeh I haven't had any problems yet either but I tend to not hit Youtube if I can help it.

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It is just another tool. It can be used by professionals, but also by blatant amateurs. Like with programming, the results can be: "Garbage in = Garbage out".
Do you remember the 'Freedom of Panorama' discussions around 2015 ?
What do you want ? Some more legal restrictions, as if we didn't have too many already ?
Professionals can take Photos of public spaces, but so can Amateurs. But both enjoy Freedom of Panorama, the restrictions of which were discussed at the regulation-happy EU, brought in by some whacked out French politician. Thanks to Julia Reda and others, this was never done (unlike the rules about the shape a cucumber is allowed to have, or the max power for a vacuum cleaner).

And don't tell me that this is a different kettle of fish. What it has to do with it is the "Verbotscultur" of the increasingly N@zi orientation of the EU.
Now do you actually endorse such a "Verbotskultur" ?
Anything to do with Copyright © can be handled by existing Copyright rules. Let the courts sort it out in individual cases.
To jog your memory, here is a article that discussed this Freedom of Panorama legislation: BTW, I use AI, and I trained it with my drawings and my paintings - so whom am I ripping off? Our mutual friend @gric is also using AI very effectively.

Regardless if you've trained the Large Language Model on your own data, this is only a drop in comparison to the rest of the model. Do you understand the vast volume of data that is actually required to build these models? We're talking millions of images, terabytes of data.

Otto it might be fine for you, but there are artists out there who are now seeing these image generators spit out their artwork, and seeing other people sell those images.

Etsy is now dead because it has been flooded with these images.

What you are proposing is the end of copyright. This is what these AI companies want and are already doing.

I also have some bad news for you. These generators are not going to improve much more as they AI / LLMs have hit a bottle neck... they don't have enough data to train them on. Yes, they've consumed all of the internet and then some more, and that is still not enough.

Have a read of this article, it explains the crisis the AI industry is facing... a data famine and possible poisoning of their models.

Also, take a look at this video. It delves deeper into one of the issues mentioned in the post.

I have not watched this yet - and I know the arguments about these issues - but the guy in the picture looks constipated. Much like all the left-woke-whiners that want to forbid everything, and in order to do so, would just love to have a surveillance camera on every corner, perhaps even in your bedroom. If your artwork is unique, then you stand out and got nothing to fear, not even the AI bogeyman.
Someone argued that a artist friend claims that AI is ripping off his art. I researched and found that this particular artist would use design elements from Mucha. So if I prompt Mucha, whom am I ripping off? - this guy, who already ripped off Mucha? Or Rembrand, or Bosch etc etc
I say: cry more softly.
Next they are going to glue themselves onto the street (or an airport runway, or deface art in a museum) because the resources for AI (NFT's and crypto currency, just to name some other ones) are raping the planet.