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RE: My Response to PoliticoMagazine's - Could a Robot Be President?

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

No worries, I never get offended if anything lol. What's your definition of socialism by the way? As far as I know, money is a social construct. Which is why I think any social platforms (which includes government of any kind) are in some ways socialist, just in different degrees.

a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

I may be too loose with my perception, but isn't this quite like part of steem? - I guess it depends how we think about the protocol and its effects. I'm not very particular about labels though. In any case, programmable money means we can have all sorts of arrangements. Even futarchy type governance that ethereum seems to be going for is expected to be a neutral apparatus - it would then depend on data and market prediction to see what the system will turn out to be like, which could even end up as a minarchy. I dunno, whatever works, as long as nobody dies and criminalisation isn't a thing, the protocol that I voluntarily wanna be part of works well enough, and i have control over my stuff. I think most systems get a bad rep coz they're simply not technologised well enough to achieve them. Or perhaps the combination of government power and the people's inability to be multistakeholders, being confined in a draconian territory are just recipes for disaster.


great post!

99% of us can't control who or what goes into positions of power, as there will always be circles of concentrated power anyway. It's just a matter of what, when, where, and how. So maybe we can start asking - should a robot be president?

agree and to answer your question
should? hell no!
which person in his right mind would want to be ruled by a machine another person just invented
although.. many rumors are going on that a certain politician is a robot
damn .. shouldn't be watching news haha
i read it here though
rather watched I think

Who wants to be ruled? should be the first question ;)

It's funny that we want freedom, but we also want order. A majority of us just wants to follow, and for them it keeps life simple. There's a handful of us that can't stand order and the need for liberation constantly. We do want to be ruled, with rules, by the ruling. We should have a system of super computers that make perfect cognitive decisions. But nothing is perfect and it will truly and ultimately lack the human emotions. We need sympathy, we need to connect. A machine is too cold, to lifeless. We connect with that organic spark that a machine will never have.

Well said :)

submissives ..what?

surely not us
word .. indeed indeed