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RE: A Holiday Filled With Privacy Concerns

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

I can't ever get over just how fast we went from 1984 as an exaggerated, prophetic work to it becoming insanely real. But what wasn't anticipated was the willing submission to it and for such a low cost as wholly unnecessary convenience. Never in my home--although here I am on a laptop, and frustrated at my dependence on my phone and social media while knowing full well it is sabotaging me.

What do we do? What if it manages to turn into a dependency thing like phones or the internet? I don't see how just yet, but I'm sure people felt that way about smart phones only a few years ago, and now look where we are.

Very overwhelming and frightening. Backwoods off-the-grid calling anyone else?


We need off grid, decentralized high tech societies with intelligent people leading and maintaining them.

Do we have a guarantee those intelligent people leading and maintaining will be any more virtuous than what we have now? That's my big question. Power corrupts no matter what form it takes (in the decentralized world, it seems that tech knowledge and wealth will be the power determiner). Mobs are also notoriously corrupt, and we already see petty bits of that on platforms like Steemit.

convenience of paying bills by simply linking your bank account, and saying, "Alexa, send $200 to the utility company." What could go wrong there? I imagine people will be breaking into homes to tell Alexa to send them some money. ;-)@kayclarity You're exactly right, and it's only going to get worse. I'm sure in the very near future they'll be offering the

"Backwoods off-the-grid calling anyone else?" :-D

Yep.. big time. Perhaps if not having one becomes such a hindrance in the future it could be set up in a garage where exposure to it is deliberate and controlled. Still, on principle, it'd be like a hell freezes over situation for me.