Posts from my Blog :) Posts from the past: Freebies, how do you get them Scam Free - Premium Wordpress Plugins are they worth the cost?

in #technology7 years ago

Editors Note: These are from my blog, I still am currently active with, I am going to be reposting some of my posts on here to provide some awesome stories and things I find interesting. This was my first blog article from May 2015, later on I did a article on Hosting, and offered some free webhosts, along with a part 2 explaining if premium versions of plugins were worth the money. Some links are broken and no longer exist. I am not editing the posts simply would destroy the archive - and sole purpose of this article. You can visit and see new blog posts here

Freebies, how do you get them scam free?

Post From May 2015

So I have given a lot of thought before making this my first post and I have decided to guide you to a life of success in getting things FREE! Yes, indeed I said free I have been successful and so has my Mom, from magazines to those rewards sites. Which are scams,which aren't, is there any $$ involved, these are good questions I hope I can give my best answer possible to. So to start off, I highly recommend recycle bank, it's a online survey for points but, a completely diffrent kind the surveys aren't so much surveys but environmental pledges, completely free, I mainly use it for magazines, I believe there are other freebies but, magazines are cool, especially free subscriptions. You can get 5 points by completing daily pledges, and get 25-50 by reading a few slides, or answering a few quiz questions. Next, try, usually updated daily for free subscriptions, I have found this site to be accurate and scam free. Others include,,,, and many others I can't think of, of course some aren't very easy to complete and get things free, I don't recommend, spincoin, and some other android apps aren't functional, they don't give you your points and then you contact support but, you never get compensated or even contacted! Many of these sites I mentioned I mainly get free magazine subscriptions, but if you want books while using these same sites some offer free ebooks, kindle books, and digital magazine subscriptions.

So here are links to those sites, I will gladly provide since typing them in manually is annoying in my opinion.









Free Hosting & Premium Plugins Are they worth the money?

Part 1 is from July 13, 2015

Got a need for plugins, better Wordpress ? is the answer the self host site gives you access to thousands of plugins that will make your wordpress more than just Wordpress. Plus it's free all you need is about that hosting...and well you need a domain too!

Free hosting misc. sites. basically here you run your own "hosting company" not too bad of support all connect to a third party ifastnet it is advertised in your cpanel unlimited everything except FTP has script one click installer free hosting no script installer it prompts a message that it under renovation and if you want access to it upgrade (basically a cover message saying no ) This is just a way to make $ by selling TLD (top domain names) and hosting. Set your own prices (there is a minimum and remember you'll only make a small profit if you stay at defaults I reccomend $1 above reccomendation)

Free domain name by .tk .cf .ml .ga extensions are free select "12 months" and not "1 year " as it is the difference between paying $$ and $0

Note on the free domain: even after you register it if you search it they still list as forsale of such is to happen and it is sold contact ICANN (email provided)

Many other options exist for free hosting and I will have some more available soon for now you can go to these Google links for these various keywords to use when searching also another great tip is to use bing too this will give others that aren't listed on Google for whatever reason.

Free cpanel hosting

Free Wordpress hosting

Free reseller cpanel hosting

Free reseller hosting

The main idea when looking for free hosting is your keywords stay away from a lot of "and" "with" type keywords these could spam up your results and leave the best literally at the last page of the search (likely 50k or more pages of some of the same thing)

Well best of luck to you!


-A Beff's Stories Blog-

Part 2

Part 2 of this blog post is from July 15, 2015

So In my first misc segment we covered free hosting and domains. Now let's talk about plugins, monetizing your site, money that it takes to get money, "premium plugin" features do we need them?

First off try out the last article, see if you like it if you do upgrade it is right around $50 per year for premium hosting(this is provided by ifastnet). Then, take it a step further to this article.

You now have free hosting

A free domain


And hopefully (maybe) even already got a blog.

Experiment use this free host as an experiment to see if you like the simplicity of, it is equally as good as but so much more. I have this blog on because I didn't know about the free domain or free hosting I did research because I was looking into how much more was and I really wanted to try it but not be committed to a hefty fee from hosting companies like host gator and bluehost.

So far ifastnet offers the best hosting (as I've said its free so it's not "great") but if you wanted to put the money into it is the cheapest available but still offers a lot of resources, e.g. Bandwidth etc.

On to plugins; Plugins,what are they? How do they make a site better or worse? Are those premium upgrades that costs between $20-100+?

A plugin is also defined as an extension, which is something that makes an app, program,or even in this case Wordpress. These plugins make the site more operator friendly and user friendly. They make businesses extend their site more than competition. Or they make user interface better, like let's take BuddyPress for an instance; BuddyPress provides a social media; a profile type user interface for your site.

Even better you can make money using BuddyPress by using another popular plugin;Paid members pro; there is a variety of specialized plugins by paid members pro, like e.g. bb press add on etc.

Next you don't need to pay some company 100's of $$$ for forums on an external "sub-domain" site; you can use BB Press! And there are 100's of chat plugins, help-desk/ticket plugins that are 100% free of course what I will be talking of a little later on; Is the premium features worth it? ; before I answer this let me continue to say that it is worth every dime spent to get the hosting and it all if you want to pay for hosting and don't like the ideas behind free hosting or have a large business; obviously I don't exactly reccommend them.

So the ultimate question; are the premium costs for plugins worth it? Well for me, the answer is no, however, listen though because if you are a small business, or large business or a single individual business, than premium features may or may not be for you, BUT there is a way to get your costs back into your business, You just need to know how to do it. And of course I will tell you a way that is really to fit into your business. You simply put a % into each membership this is similar with because you have to pay for the other free hosting accounts with the simple elite of it all. In other words you pay $200 for a business membership on so Me, and many of my followers can have free service. You make up your revenue. So lets say a plugin costs $50 one time, and your rate is $12/month well, now lets also add in that we have an average of 50 customers per month. $12/month @ $12 months is $144/Yr., with 600 customers/year 600*$144= $86400. Now to recover from our $50 plugin fee, lets take 50/600 which comes to around $0.83 per customer. See? If you think about the profit and the costs broke down over a 12-month period than it isn't expensive and it is only $0.83 per customer. NOTE: That this is just an example I don't have that many members on any site I have or profit from them or do I use premium plugins. This is just an evaluation and break down on business choices to make the most of your business site using wordpress(.org)

Now onto more money ideas! Now, I probally just amazed you by how I took an expense and turned it into an income that only costs $0.83 per customer (based on a 600 customer per year average). Now I am 99.99% sure you will have more than one plugin on your site. So remember if you use this idea to add and divide each plugin as we did above. Note your customer base may not be as high so, do expect 600 users, but do expect 600 users.Advertising is the next option. Google Adsense is a program that pays you to put little and sometime even huge ads on your siteThey aren't just going to give you money for a view of the ad but when a visitor clicks on it you can get $0.30+ per click I have heard. Of course I am not going to exactly shove ads on my self hosted sites I am not like that. But am thinking of ways to make money on my sites. Yes I am talking about myself making money and no I don't expect much. The problem is that I don't want a million ads or video ads for that matter. These ads are annoying and scare customers and visitors from returning. Another option is amazon. They offer a way to advertise their products based on your site's category.

These tips are not intended to be used as exact advice I don't have any degree's this is 100% original from my brain. I have looked up these things and decided to write what I found but, I didn't Copy anything Please do Not copy!

This is the last Misc. Links and tips on this site and will be continuing on

I will be offering premium accounts there soon! And I will even help you get your site ready and going!

Thanks for reading I went Well over my 1k words!