Whatsapp and Facebook Group Admins might end up in jail

in #technology7 years ago

An article was published in one of South Africa'a major news outlets yesterday, stating that WhatsApp group Administrators might face jail time for their users actions.

You can read the news article here

This comes after a Group Admin was actually arrested in India last month. I am sure that a lot of us had made mistakes when posting information to an incorrect group by accident.

Image Credit

Mom posts nude photo posted into school hockey group by accident.

This happened to an unfortunate women Margaret when she posted a nude picture to a School Hockey group sometime last year. Shame, that was really unfortunate. I do not want to post any further info as I do not want to humiliate the poor women any further, but these things happen. I guess the best and safest way to prevent this is to not post nude pictures of yourself at all.

I do not believe you would go to jail for posting a nude photo, but when you post incorrect or misleading information it is a different story.

This is what happened in India.

Any factually incorrect, rumour or misleading information on a social media group like WhatsApp and Facebook can land the admin of the group in jail. As bizarre as it may sound, it’s true that the group admin is liable for prosecution if any rumour or fake news is circulated on it. In a bid to curb the spread of false information, a joint order was issued by District Magistrate Yogeshwar Ram Mishra and Senior Superintendent of Police Nitin Tiwari in Varanasi. The order stated that any content that can spark tension, the admin of the Facebook page or WhatsApp group should report to police.

You can read the full article here

One of our fast food outlets always have a very good sense of humour in their adverts. Here is the advert published just after the Margaret incident.

Image Credit

We should all take care when posting information into the public eye. Publishing fake news or incorrect information can quickly spiral out of control, and you just might end up in jail if you are involved in the wrong circles.


In India, so many people are caught by police for silly posts, it somehow seems like there is some short of damage to the freedom of speech clause in the constitution of a democracy.

If people just acted the way they do online, in the same way they acted face to face, many social media posts would simply not be made.

Hmmm interesting although they should have something added to the end user agreement that you accept once installing. Otherwise if WhatsApp closed more people on at remit might come :A
Cheers and much love from me ❤︎

That's why I love telegram.

It all comes down to the argument - who is responsible? Should groups be moderated?

Imagine if someone anonymous spreads a rumor that a certain man is a pedophile. Should that be allowed to happen, or should content be checked before it is shown online?

Or should all members of a group be identifiable?

Whilst I don't think there have been many problems so far with such content, what if it becomes ubiquitous?

My feeling is that, ever so slowly, we are seeing more and more restrictions being placed on internet usage and it won't be long before we have laws making it difficult to freely post on the web.

Hell yes! This happened on my several tines, although I didn't post any nude photos (luckily), but I did always send wrong message to the wrong person, for instance, my boss!! lol ! I dun believe the admin will go to jail tho .. I heard theres the revoke function now?

What!! It is really horrible! Why people in that country would do this to their people? Why they hate sex very much? Do they do not need any sex in everyday life? Why Nudity photo is a problem? All people are born with nude! They do not know that?

Very true statement. Thanks for the comment.

Decentralised blockchain is the answer, Period.

That is a pretty insane form of censorship. The Government threatens to have one more reason to lock you in a cage for speaking whatever on the Internet. #SteemIt #Fuck FBIbook #NoCensorship #FreeSouls

Yip, I agree, this is close to the ultimate form of censorship.

Freedom of Speech at it's best.

OMG. This is ridiculous. Often times admins of these groups forget they even created them. I better check on my I Love Banting FB group and make sure nobody is insulting MC Donalds or something. Oh lordy! :D :P

Our country is going through elections period and these whatsapp groups are used to propagate hate and breeding grounds of tribalism and violence! The
People in these groups can't report each other because they share same mindset. It's unfortunate how technology is used to spread prejudice.

Is this enforce to worldwide ?

Don't think so @incrediblesnow, but when one country starts the rest usually follows

Lol, I thought it is kind of funny news at the beginning when I read this. But seems like the admin would really facing the jail. I wonder whether it is the fault of the group administrator, as sometimes it is not under the control from the admin. Especially you know that there is no recall function for whatsapp..

It sounds like we have to watch out what we post on Facebook and Whatsapp. I didn't know that there is no recall feature. I can delete something, but guess it is already out there.

I posted this message in whatsapp "My shift ends in 15 minutes in this crappy job. I hate it!" it was for my sister; instead it went to my BOSS Group Chat. I don’t have to mention I clocked out and left. I disappeared on the horizon like a “Bad Hombre”.;)

That's a bad one. Sorry to hear

It would be great if the police would tackle more critical cases of rapes, molestation, murders, robberies, infanticide, dowry rather than focus on social media posts.

You have my honest upvote and follow now. Single comment aware of reality behind news

I really cannot believe this is happening, what is wrong with Whatsapp, are we being recorded for what we have sent? UPVOTE ME AND I WILL UPVOTE YOU!

Yes I agree don't spread fake news.

تَقَبَّلَ اللّهُ مِنَّا وَمنٌِكُمٌ صِيَامَنَا وَصِيَامَكُمٌ اَللّهُمَّ اجٌعَلٌنَا مِنَ الٌعَاءِدِيٌنَ وَالٌفَاءِزِيٌنَ˚•

wow u r earning very good amount of money it's a dream to me please help me to grow my page please resteem my only 1 post please please

The idiots want to control freedom and privacy. So sad

I agree it's dangerous.

Thanks for the comment @googl

Great post @jacor! "We should all take care when posting information into the public eye. Publishing fake news or incorrect information can quickly spiral out of control, and you just might end up in jail if you are involved in the wrong circles."

It happens. I've witnessed it myself! Great post. I followed you, upvoted and resteemed the post!

Thank you very much @jimscope

A very interesting post! Thanks for sharing!

Interesting update buddy,keep it up

Thanks man

Keep it up buddy,i followed you

hey @jacor , great posts , if you like check my blog too ,thanks.

Such things often happen in states where common people don't care about freedom of speech.

Maybe you should think twice before doing something that could bring you troubles, just like in real life.

Indeed. Thanks for the comment

This gets me so angry, the mainstream media have been printing bullshit for years. The worst that happens to them, is they either get sued for a paltry amount, or have to print an apology, that is several times less prominent than the original fake news.

But when it comes to individuals, suddenly, governments want to squash it, it really beggars belief.


I agree @cryptogee. Terrible where everything is going

Besides going to jail, there are also the issue of big damage to your career, when posting the wrong thing on the wrong group.

Very true. Thanks for the comment @rynow and really enjoyed having you guys over last night. Very enjoyable evening 👍

Thanks for having us we all enjoyed it very much

Hm, I'm not an usual user of WhatsApp application. But she cannot delete that photo from that group?
Because, sometime, everybody can made kind of mistakes. But as an user I expect to be able to undo/delete my action. That's the normal flow. Isn't it?

They arrest people for posting information. WTF

Facebook should pull their apps from territories that have policies that suppress individuals ability to get information.

It is counter to their mission. Unless they are lying and their mission is to make as much money as possible.

Really? I have a private facebook group should I bee worried? :O

I think you should take responsibly manage your users in the group. Unfortunately this is a very difficult issue.

These things are major social problem nowdays. the unwanted posts are just affecting the teenagers. this kind of problems need a solution.

That's why I always post my nudes elsewhere where it's not my fault if the local hockey group sees them

Congratulations @jacor

You took 75 place in my Top 100 of posts

Thanks Dude

This is very right....you should just be modest while posting to the public eyes