I know! This is the argument the corps have formulated to justify their collection and monetization of our data. "If you dont have something to hide it should be fine if we monitor your cell phone calls, web searches and posts on ____." And we accept that erroneous logic; Such a shame.
Privacy is an integral part of true freedom.
The monitoring of my life, by government or big business, may be to some extent necessary but it is simealtaneously a sacrifice of my personal freedom. We accept this sacrifice in the name of security that comes for instance from our govt having this capability. I accept that sacrifice to an extent, because I do value security, but we need to value our privacy also or authorities (govt or business) will take advantage and monetize us in new and ever more pervasive ways.
We need to understand this give and take between privacy and freedom as it pertains to security, or we cant value our freedoms accurately.