Stellen Sie sich vor es gibt eine Lampe die auf eine Fotovoltaik-Platte scheint. Diese nimmt die Lichtstrahlen auf und wandelt sie in Energie um, welche dann wiederum die Lampe leuchten lässt. Ein ewiger Kreislauf. Jetzt stellen Sie sich vor die Fotovoltaik-Platte ist außer dass sie genügend Strom für die Lampe erzeugt, fähig einen Überschuss an Energie zu produzieren, der z.B. eine Batterie auflädt. „Unmöglich“, werden Sie vielleicht denken. Doch es gibt tatsächlich einen Kreislauf der nach diesen Prinzipien funktioniert.
Eine Maschine, nicht sonderlich groß, gebaut aus Magneten und einer Menge Kupferdraht ist dazu imstande. Sie heißt Bedini-Motor. Sie wird von Batterien angetrieben, generiert aber mehr Energie als sie verbraucht und kann so die Batterien die sie antreiben wieder aufladen.
Erklärung und eine grobe Anleitung findet Ihr in diesem Video
Derzeit ist es noch schwierig den Bedini-Motor kommerziell zu vermarkten oder große Mengen an Energie damit zu generieren. Unteranderem auch weil es in diesem Bereich sehr an Forschungsgeldern fehlt. Eine Etablierung einer solchen Maschine würde das Ende der Abhängigkeit von allen Energie- und Erdölkonzernen bedeuten. Dass diese alles dafür tun werden dass dies nicht geschieht ist einleuchtend.
Imagine there is a lamp that shines on a photovoltaic panel. This absorbs the light beams and converts them into energy, which in turn illuminates the lamp. An eternal cycle. Now imagine the photovoltaic panel is, except that it generates enough current for the lamp, capable of producing an excess of energy, e.g. a battery charges. "Impossible," you might think. But there is actually a cycle that works according to these principles.
A machine, not very large, built of magnets and a lot of copper wire is capable of this. It´s called Bedini-Generator, powered by batteries but generates more energy than it consumes and can recharge the batteries that drive them.
Explanation and a rough building instructions you will find in this video
At present, it is still difficult to market the Bedini-Generator commercially or produce large amounts of energy with it. Among others, because there is very little research funding in this area. Establishing such a machine would mean the end of dependence on all energy and oil groups. That they will do everything to make sure that this is not happening is obvious.
Danke für den Beitrag.
Dies ist nur ein Beispiel für die gezielte Unterdrückung von "echtem" technischen Fortschritt. Würden Naturschutz und Pseudo-Klimaschutz von Politik und Wirtschaft Ernst genommen, würden Geld und Förderprogramme für derartige Erkenntnisse zur Verfügung gestellt.
This post has received a 29.29 % upvote from @boomerang. produces and sells Bedini-Generators incase somebody is interested
The law of energy conservation ( or in its extended form, the law of information conservation ) is the most fundamental law of physics. If it is not true and energy ( or information ) can be created or destroyed, then you can kiss the whole of physics goodbye.
So if this device, just like any "energy producing" device cannot produce energy but only transform energy from one form to another. So if you're saying it will charge the secondary battery with more energy then extorted from the primary battery, then where does the extra energy coming from?
You are right you can´t produce energy out of nothing, you olny can tranform energy. But energy is spread everywere. We just can´t see it. So what this Generator does is taking this energy form everywere an tieing into the battery. You surely find a lot of better explanations by doing your own research :)
Okay but let me ask you this: If this engine can solve humanity's energy problems, then wouldn't you expect to see lots of research money going into developing it?
Thats the point. It would solve our energy problem but it also would make energy a free ressource (just like air). So nobody could sell energy anymore. A huge loss in profits for the hole oil and energy sector. Thats why free energy is surpressed or a least not promoted.
Okay, let's assume I am a very rich person. Elon Musk for example. I see this thing and I think, "This engine can make allot of energy without any oil or gas or whatever goes into it. All is needed to make it work is some money invested in R&D, some of it could probably be patented. It's a gold mine!". Don't you think that by now something like that would happen?
Compare it to the case of General Fusion. They are working on a cold fusion generator that might really work, and their research got funded, in spite of the might of the oil sector. Why is that?
You would not make a lot of money out of it. Especially because you can copy it easily. Every patent must be laid open and last for just 20 years. Not so much if you have to cover the developing and research costs. In addition, the patent forbids only others to sell it, but everybody is allowed to build his own generator.
In spite of everything, I am sure that in the next one or two decades this tecnology is going to be developed and used. But It would go much faster if free energy concepts are promoted and not suppressed.