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RE: Will Marrying Robots Ever Be A Reality In The Future?

in #technology8 years ago

I remember a twilight zone episode where a fella was stranded for a period on a planet with a robot machine companion. He fell in love with here and wanted to take her back when his crew returned for him. A crew member destroyed the robot machine. He was only allowed to take so many lbs on his return. This would have been about 1960..

I also know there are folks who would love to mix humans and artificial intelligence into a new species. I believe the word is Singularity. The drawback - It would take on a new image as it would not be in God's image or DNA and perhaps void of a conscience or soul. Great read, Thanks.


That sounds like an interesting show! The idea has been around for quite some while now and Transhumanism is something that many predict will indeed happen. So, only time will tell.