On Monday leaked photos of the the front panel of a Huawei Mate 20 smartphone found out a notch and complex 3D face-scanning technology. Just 3 days later and we've got more info from Twitter. Steve H., extra normally referred to as @OnLeaks, suggested the Mate 20 pro will have 6.25” screen with a 6.8 mm notch and simply 3.8 mm chin.
while the leakster is not positive if these numbers are for the Mate 20 pro or the vanilla Mate 20, the numbers he shared are genuinely extraordinary. For assessment, the modern flagship Huawei P20 pro has a forehead of eight mm and a massive 10mm chin, often because of the fingerprint scanner. If the size is on the regular version, then the Mate 20 can be bigger than the already large Huawei Mate 10.
Even as we're waiting for clean images of the upcoming flagship, the lite variation in the family already appeared in press renders, suggesting what the mightier siblings may appear to be. We see an extremely-tall display and fancy important digital camera design, even as the back panel might arrive with curved edges and glass on top of it.