in #technology7 years ago

Stop 'Killer Robots'

Just the other week, the artificial intelligence robot (AI), named Sophia, received her Saudi citizenship. This is the same AI that, when speaking with a journalist months back, answered that she would kill all humans!

See Interview below;

Now with the advancement and integration of technologies we have readily avail, sparks the potential for lethal autonomous weapons (LAW), also known as, 'killer robots.' LAW's are a type of military robot that is designed to select and attack specific targets (humans, infrastructure) without being operated by a person. Drone and face recognition technology is not new to our world. The exposure and implementation to the common man is the longing process. Once the hardware and software is refined, we face the harsh realities portrayed in the video posted below.


Please join thousands, along with the likes of Elon Musk, founder of Tesla, SpaceX and OpenAI (USA) and Mustafa Suleyman, founder and Head of Applied AI at Google’s DeepMind (UK) to raise awareness of the Security threats for mankind.

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Please upvote/comment and more importantly, resteem, to help expose the serious threats that our humanity can realistically face.

Further readings;


It is a touchy subject, because while AI can do a lot of good for us, poorly programmed or no safety protocols will allow them to do a lot of harm if they become so self-aware that they choose to.

I want to see working AI that works well in society and lets us live with them without too much fear.

Exactly! But allowing it to 'think' and 'act' on its on freewill loses our abilities to control the intelligence... and then, well, it's too late.

There would have to be a way to really teach it well in right and wrong, helping it understand why people do this sort of thing and for the AI to not be like us by trying to fix our problems with anything bad but to perform actions of good that help humans to see how much it helps.

Yeah but most of those smart enough to program AI to be 'good', are money and power hungry and often 'bad' people. It's a vicious vindaloop my friend.

I know, if one day I make my own AI I won't be like the rest. I know better haha.

@thegoliath for AI president 😝

Humans are always working to create 'stuff'. And they're always finding new and interesting ways to destroy things. It's no wonder that we regularly come up with new and interesting ways to destroy ourselves. Maybe this one will work, or maybe we'll come up with guidelines and restrictions to prevent that before they destroy us.

Or maybe they'll become the next phase of 'human' life, after they wipe out the previous phase...

Or maybe they'll be taught how to not develop into wiping out humans...

Well they have 'facial recognition' but I've already seen a twin unlock his brothers iPhone X. We're doomed. How many people use fake ID's lol!

I just hope that we will have enough right minded people in power to enforce enough regulations and control over AI activity.

The right regulations and the right controls, to still allow experimentation and progress, but not to bring about the downfall... It's a pretty fine line. Humans are the kind of species to try walk that line though. and so far so good...

Sorry I didn't reply @ratticus didn't come across this. Yeah hopefully we can keep sane for long enough so that we may have a few generations beyond us. But at this rate, I feel like I'm strapping into a roller coaster these next 50 years.

@mattclarke "Now we don't have humanoid robots, and nobody in their right mind would program them like this if we did" next thing out pops Sophia! It's scary how advanced government agencies are and how slowly technology is implemented into our world.