Nikola Tesla the most fascinating person I was never taught about at school.

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

I like many of you, had to endure the government mandatory education system, that teaches only the basics of EVERYTHING, and to be the master of nothing.


Not until I was around 30 years old, did I have any knowledge that this great man Nikola Tesla had even existed,
let alone what he had accomplished in a very complicated life full with financiers, that wanted products for profit not for the benefit of mankind.
How could the mainstream education system, and media in the United Kingdom and maybe other countries? (let me know in the comments section) fail to educate people that the very electric they use to light a home was invented by this man?
The AC system he championed and improved remains the global standard for power transmission, add to this wireless, microwave, coils including the Tesla coil as used in every car and motorbike for either starting and running or power generation, x rays, fluorescent light bulbs, radio, the electric motor, robotics, laser , limitless free energy that to this day is suppressed except for the likes of the Niagara falls power plant, remnants of which survive to this day, with a museum on site..

How dare they, the education system, the government that decides the curriculum, omit possibly the most important man that ever lived? more to the point why? I have my own thoughts as to why, I shall leave that for another time, this is after all not about me.

The Niagara falls power plant proved beyond doubt almost free, limitless energy was possible, though it seems the money men like J P Morgan could see nothing to profit from it, neither could they see the benefit, for THEM of wireless electric transmission for free to the masses via the Wardenclyffe Tower.

And so it got demolished along with Tesla's workshop, losing Tesla millions of dollars and forcing him in to poverty.

Upon his death, the FBI broke into his room at the New Yorker hotel , and seized his many patents, under the foreign national status, even though he was now classed as a full on American citizen passport and all.
These patents were finally released (some of them) a few years ago, and are available online here.

Though a lot of the patents upon viewing have been heavily redacted or scribbled over, rendering them useless in the process, what is it there to hide we ask? we may never know.

I am no expert on Tesla, though I have spent near 20 years working with some of his projects and patents, my first question and the point to this rambling remain the same, how DARE the education system omit such a gentle being, such a master creator from my/our education? some may say there is no space on said curriculum, I may answer at least give the man a mention, and possibly even add some of his basic patents to the curriculum, alternating current at least!

“I am part of a light, and it is the music. The Light fills my six senses: I see it, hear, feel, smell, touch and think. Thinking of it means my sixth sense. Particles of Light are written note. O bolt of lightning can be an entire sonata. A thousand balls of lightening is a concert.. For this concert I have created a Ball Lightning, which can be heard on the icy peaks of the Himalayas.”
― Nikola Tesla

NIKOLA TESLA we salute you SIR --------------------------------- 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943 (R.I.P.)

If you like this please re steem and up vote, steem on and stay AWESOME!

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Great post. Isn’t it so fun learning about such interesting people that we don’t learn enough about in school. Nikola Tesla sure is fascinating. Do you know about The Current War? It’s a new film about Tesla starring Benedict Cumberbatch.

Thank you, and no I did not, I will have a look for the film tonight on my internet box attached to the tv, sounds like a must if it has Tesla in it, steem on and stay awesome :-)

I am sure that he had the secret of the evolution of society, personally and technologically, thus integrating both, which was very dangerous for malicious industries

You may be correct Alan, the thing that amazes me the most about Tesla, is that he could see the actual thing in front of him, that he was wanting to design, and he also said the ideas came when he slept, like from another dimension.

I think that he found a hidden source of information, the goverments tried to hide all of residual knowledge cause they know
if governments let people have access to this knowledge, they can lose control over the masses of the population

On that I would agree also, the electric he proposed to send everyone for free, along with the electric motor he designed for cars, would have meant the 100 years of oil and the wars for oil that have gone hand in hand would never have existed, and we all would not be beholden to the 0.01% that ruin the world now.

We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.

- Albert Einstein

not sure them two were the best of friends, although, that statement is 100% correct, thank you for the up vote and for reading my blog.

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I love Tesla!

He was able to send electric current wirelessly to light bulbs on a ship far from land and proposed using the earth's magnetic field to power industrialization.

To me, the most fascinating aspect about him was his mind. It is believed he was able to build his inventions, break them down, fix them, a few iterations all in his head before he ever built them!

Great post!

Thank you, indeed, and he could visualize them in front of him. Nikola Tesla needed no model to test his inventions; they appeared before his eyes as functioning realities that he could stop and start as though they were really there.