Emercoin Releases a Blockchain Solution for Network Administration

in #technology8 years ago

Emercoin has announced a blockchain-based out-of-box solution dubbed EmcSSH, which is an extension for standard administration protocol for SSH networks.

The press release states that the extension is capable of making network administering more secure thanks to storage of public keys and access control lists on a blockchain thus completely eliminating risks of so-called ��?man in the middle’ attacks.

“The technology provides any user with a secret file (secured with a password if necessary), which enables him or her to access any allowed computers. If the file has been stolen, the user may instantly block the access or replace the key file with a new one. If an employee has been fired, the access is blocked instantly. Additionally, the system is totally invulnerable to some kinds of attacks, which nearly all other systems are prone to,” - the press release further elaborates.

Other advantages of the system described in the release include: significant cut of network administering costs; instant replacement of keys in case they might have been compromised; the same key used for an unlimited number of machines; and global scale of the system, providing access to authorized third parties, like outsourcing companies or auditors.

Earlier this year Emer Group announced its own platform for app development dubbed Blockchain Engine. According to the statements from the group, the platform is distinguishable for provision of readily operational services for e-businesses and network security. Its main distinction from other existing platforms is said to be in the fact that it provides readily operational services for e-businesses and network security. The platform focuses on digital copyright; Internet security; distributed advertising networks; uncensorable DNS; proof of title; and the Internet of Things.


That is some real world use for a blockchain! I'm going to get some EMC