So I have held off adding my niece on facebook and social medias for a while. My facebook isn't exactly the friendliest spot on the planet. I usually post insane video I find on the internet in disbelief as to what some people choose to upload and/or share with the world wide web. As good of a thing technology is and can be, it can also be a horrible horrible thing. I would rather travel and see my niece and have a convo face to face then show each other photos of our food and not say anything.
Society as a whole is progressing fast. real fast in fact in the last 100 years our sci fi movies have became documentaries. Actually movies are a recent thing that we now have an entire thriving industry people are trying hard to be a part of. Plays seem to be a thing of the past. you might find them at a park somewhere but I guarantee you there will be a young kid whos feet cant touch the ground sitting there with an ipad watching miley cyrus as the play is going on.
Now led zeppelin was not a part of my generation but in a way I feel they very much were. My generation was in elementary when the internet started to take off. In 6th grade I was blazing around the internet on msm messenger and aol tarrying stuff up. Napster and winmx were a real thing. I was hacking wrestling games with a modded gameshark and my parents couldn't figure out for the life of them how I had all this "free" music. They were part of the tower records gen. lol like that? I just made it up. The thing is my generation it seems started the whole "glued" to the screen thing. Almost worse then our parents and their "boob tubes."
Now with social media we have no need to be "social" we just say and all agree we are. Which just because everyone thinks it's true. It is not. In fact, it's a lie. technology is quite quickly slowing down people using social skills or even needing them in real life. So many people are dependent in asking google for answers. Old grandpa in his chair is now not a decent source of information on how to do things around the house and in life. He's using google!
If you are still not sure what its like to grow up in 2017. Kids now have to grow up in a world where this kid gets things and is popular. Not for being smart, not for being respectful, Not for being original, but for getting attention and making himself into a fraudulent product to sell to other kids that no no better.
society and social media technologys are actually making it acceptable to not try and be different or say anything that promotes critical thinking because its not cool.
I appreciate your thoughts. I'm not sure things are necessarily worse now, but very different indeed! Being in a group with everyone just staring down at their phones is perfectly normal! But times change I guess...
yep super normal.
Yes, I have a three year old and I do worry how to teach him how to use social media at such a young age. It can make or break you if you allow it to. Great post.