Until we understand the real us, we can't fathom our super abilities as humans.
We are Demi gods and we posses a lot of powers. A whole lot is possible when we integrate our major three components - the spirit soul and the body. They work synergistically to achieving greater things.
The brain which is under the physical realm controls basically all neuronal and physiologic system of the body. This same brain works in synchronicity with the minds which is connected to the spiritual and enables us to make rational decisions as humans.
We all have sleeping giants in us that is only active when we incorporate and integrate the powers of both the minds and the spiritual realm.
The potential man possesses extends far beyond the imagination of men. We only exploit the few ones we know and this makes us ingenious. This is why when someone does something spectacular or outstanding, he is termed a genius.
Some of these advanced technologies, robots that uses artificial intelligence and computers produced today are all based on the on the ingenuity of man.
There is no limit to what man can achieve when the spirit soul and body is willing
Yes we are the most powerful arsenal on planet earth. Most inventions today are basically from man and also if you would agree with me, they mostly work based on the physiologic mechanism of humans. For example, the ultrasound machine and electrocardiogram machines takes advantage of the fact that there are electrical currents that runs through us, and as such it is able to detect their various conditions of the organs in the body as well as pulse and heart beat.
The bottomline is just for us to discover our potential and great abilities and also awaken our sleeping giants, when we do this, then there will be no limits to what we can achieve.
No matter how super or sophisticated a machine or inventions are, the truth still remains that, these machines were through the ingenuity of man. They did not just surface, we brought them into existence.
Cloning of humans proved that actually humans were Demi gods. if not for the fact that it questioned human existence, resulted to dummies and also dared to challenge the existence of God would have been one of the impeccable achievement of man. The clones individuals have no soul or mind and thus cannot make rational choices. This simply shows the importance of the spirit and mind as an intrinsic components of humans.
The spiritual controls the mind while the mind controls the brain and this brain controls the physical (body).
I will end by saying that man is truly an assets with the greatest potential only when we discover this potentials and how do we do this, obviously my looking at the mirror and challenging the sleeping giants in us to action.
Goodmorning @rok-sivante
Masterfully stated. 🙌
hey 100% Upvoted and resteemed but yeah man I used to always scoff at the whole human brain = quantum computer until i saw the whole thing with the microtubules in our pyramidal brain cells that have corn on the cub shaped proteins that are way smaller than brain cells, so instead of the total neurons its like an order of magnitude more than total neurons so way more processes can be handled by our brain that previously thought
https://steemit.com/science/@ackza/very-cool-images-of-nano-tubules-which-may-store-memory-and-drive-human-consciousness-in-the-brain-not-just-neurons-as-miningMy post above has the details or the video explains it all in detail but i extracted some of the best images in my post of you just want the eye candy/Big Picture of how hes isolated how the brain is creating conciseness in the Memory Creation part but using micro tubules these lil proteins acting as a quantum super computer and its very powerful science here stuff we will understand more as we developer quantum computers with their Qbits :D its crazzzzy stuff man yeah we ARE the best technology we know about!
@ackza the capacity and ability of the human brain can never be overemphasized....
It is one of the greatest asset man possesses.. It's ability is unquantifiable
yeah man the human brain is the best hidden secret tech, we should be studying neurofeedback and brain computer interfaces non invasive ones are what we need to focus on, neurolace is a lil too scarey we should see what we can do without invasiuve tech, we should use computers as bicycles for our brain or like motorcycles and not start implanting wheels into our legs etc :D
Also to mix science and art, whats crazy good for visual inspiration is Keylontic Science we need more of it on steem
You gotta love synchonicity as I was hoping to find some marvelous comments once more. Here it is!
Thanks @flauwy what I love mostly about @rok-sivante post is the uniqueness he gives to his post always
You have to really understand the indepth meaning before you can talk about it and these are the kind of challenges I love, it pushes me to really think deep and air my view.
That's what distinguishes him as the best among the best.
I am just so happy and privileged to be one of his loyal, faithful and ardent follower on this awesome platform. He has really thought me a lot through his unique posts.