in #technology7 years ago (edited)

Technological innovations that will change our future


This year 2018 will come incredible technological things, the technology is growing little by little with the passage of time, and electronic devices are not left behind. This year in technological terms will be much broader.

Can you imagine having a superhero view like Superman? Cure cancer with a chip? or Stop a suicide by chatting on Facebook?. This in a very short time could be a reality thanks to technology.

* Artificial intelligence. A great help to mental health.


About 10% of the world population suffers from depression or anxiety and mental disorders represent 30% of the global burden of non-fatal disease, according to a study by the World Health Organization.

Can you imagine detecting these mental illnesses by analyzing our speech and writing?

In 5 years, everything we say and write will be an indicator of our mental health and physical well-being. Thanks artificial intelligence we can count on new cognitive systems capable of analyzing our speech and writing and identify patterns that could give notice of a possible mental illness in an initial phase.

With this information it will be possible to apply a better treatment to the disease and help even patients with Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Huntington's, autism or attention deficit.

Currently, Facebook is building predictive models by analyzing users' text publications to prevent suicide; while Cogito, a company funded by DARPA from MIT, is testing an application that creates an image of a user's mental health by simply listening to the sound of their voice during the day.

*Macroscopes to understand the complexity of the Earth in detail.


Technological innovations represent more than 6 billion connected objects, from drones, cameras to satellites or large telescopes, which generate dozens of exabytes of data per month, increasing their volume by 30% per year.

However, most of these data are not organized and it is estimated that a scientist spends 80% of his time "cleaning" these data instead of analyzing and understanding them.

In 5 years, you can use learning machine and software algorithms called "macroscope" that will help organize the complex information, collected by the millions of connected devices, about the physical world that surrounds us and make findings from them.

For example, thanks to the analysis of data on climate, crops and water levels, better decisions could be made about where to grow crops and harvest them so that they conserve their water reserves.

*Augmented virtual reality and mixed to live digital experiences.


In 2016, we lived intensely the uses of augmented reality, especially with the launch of Pokemon Go that took millions of users to the streets. Virtual reality evolved and they began to sell helmets massively and not only for video games, it is also used educationally and to treat certain phobias. In the coming years, it is estimated that this technological innovation will change the cinematographic language we consume. The story would be 360 degrees and devices that incorporate sensors for touch, smell, etc. will be added.

*Self-employed homes, for more ease.


Home automation plays an important role as a source of innovation. In the coming years, households will be automated in opening and closing doors, air conditioning, use of electricity, etc. In this way, they encourage savings and make an efficient energy consumption.

Undoubtedly, these technological developments will have an important impact on our lives, as well as the scientific advances in autonomous vehicles and drones that were shown this year.

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