Can technology make things easier for us?

in #technology7 years ago

The Technology

Technology has become one of the tools of daily use for men, which helps us with all kinds of everyday problems, from diseases to how to repair a car.

How does technology help us?


One of the goals of technology is to make everything easier and more comfortable for us. Therefore, it is good to know some of the options we have with technology, to achieve that goal. And there are very simple things that can give us many benefits on a day to day basis.

The human being has progressed over the years independently thanks to technology, throughout all this, many devices have been created that have helped us.

-As for example the applications:

The world of applications offers a solution for almost everything you want. If what you need is an application that helps you, ten of course you are already here. The applications have been established as a way to constantly respond to the needs of users.

For example, for those who are losing weight, there are apps that calculate the calories of everything you have eaten that day. That way, you only have to go to what you can eat and everything you need to lose weight every day.

As you see, all these are fairly simple aspects of the world of technology that make without leaving home we have a whole world of possibilities to solve what we want, even to take advantage of services and benefits that we had not even imagined having in our hands As you can see, all these are fairly simple aspects of the world of technology that make it possible for us to have a whole world of possibilities to solve whatever we want, even to take advantage of services and advantages that we had not even imagined having in our hands.

The scientific director of Digital Technologies of Eurecat, María Eugenia Fuenmayor, predicted that this 2018 will be marked from the technological point of view by the possibilities that have opened the advances in artificial intelligence, the rise of data analytics and the increase of objects connected to the Internet, as well as the new capabilities of collaborative robotics and the projection of autonomous vehicles.

Robots and smart vehicles


"We will see smarter, faster robots, with more autonomy and, above all, with new skills, in areas other than manufacturing or domestic, such as agriculture, medicine, security or transport"

~The scientific director of Digital Technologies of Eurecat, María Eugenia Fuenmayor

As for autonomous vehicles and smart drones, "this will be the year we will begin to see them walking streets and fly in public spaces, as they have approved and updated regulations of use that will allow it," said the scientist.

to conclude this post, to this point that the technology advances exponentially, and that this tries to give us ease in our daily lives