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RE: GM Faces Another Lawsuit Involving Self-Driving Car

If you ever get to talk to the programmers working on this shit, you will be scared, and 2020 will seem WAY TO SOON for cars to be self driving.

Currently the processing needed to drive the car takes over 10 hp. And, if the car is electric, that puts an even greater burden on the efficiency.

The way they are currently handling bikes is to just ignore them unless they are in the front. Doing anything else causes a lot of problems in erratic behavior of the vehicle.

One of the biggest failures, I shit you not, is when a bum is considered a piece of street furniture, and then starts moving. The program, having decided that something was permanent/stationary runs into a huge logical mess, when it is suddenly not stationary.


unlike a person on their phone who will hit the bum whether they are moving or not.

Yes, you can blame bad drivers for all kinds of things.

However, a computer that cannot correctly identify an object, and thus freaks out because the program doesn't have a case to solve the problem is not driving at all.

Lets say that there is a situation that every driver gets into about once a year. And that the human driver correctly analyzes the situation and corrects accordingly, and that the current computer driver has failed the situation every time. So, by current, bleeding edge technology, that is one accident per year for computer driven cars. I am sure it will be solved sometime, but not in the next two years.

Further, with all of these eco-friendly-green people... we should just throw that out the window for convenience sake? Your car got 35 mpg? Well, with the computer it now gets 30mpg.

processors will get more efficient with each generation, aren't they charging their electric cars from solar panels anyhow? ;)
Oh no that's right, they mostly run on coal.

Right now with human drivers fatal accidents are increasing despite cars being much safer because people are on their phones, I watched people driving by and it's like 40-60% of people actively using their devices while driving on a busy city street, at this point I am happy when I see someone talking on their phone because then they are not texting. These things can't come fast enough. As long as they get in accidents less frequently than humans they are beneficial. And if the thing does not have a steering wheel then whoever made it is responsible if it causes an accident so that will give the makers an incredible incentive to make them have as few accidents as possible.