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RE: My Response to PoliticoMagazine's - Could a Robot Be President?

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

Well, I was going to read the entire article - but then I came across this line, pretty early on:

"...there really is no difference between a robot and a human, if we view ourselves as automatons, barring philosophical disputes over the notion of free will."

That stopped me cold. You glossed over ALL of the biggest differences between humans and robots like it wasn't even a speed-bump - and you just kept right on going, like that didn't matter.

Fact of the matter is, those things are a solid "brick wall" and not a speed-bump. It's not a matter of "philosiphical differences of opinion," despite your mis-framing of the argument in that fashion.

So, anything else you went on to say really doesn't mean $#!t, until you adress the brick wall you just drove your car straight into.

I don't know anybody who views themselves as an automaton, and I don't know anyone who doesn't have free will - unless you start using examples of people with rare cases of extreme psychosis.


Not sure if my language is bad, but im talking about perception when it comes to viewing us as automatons. For all i know, you can be a very smart bot chatting here and I wouldnt even know it. Check out Turing's test..

yes but not Bot can complete all the tasks necisary for a human like interactionnhere YET or maybe they can..i doubt it...but u never know...maybe You are a bot? Maybe I am a bot? if this is all a simulation u can still access your steem even if we are living inthe mtrix! just remember your master key ! memorize a brrain wallet version of your crypo curency walllets and even Neo could rretreive his bitcoins next time he went back into the matrix!!!

You're reacting emotionally before trying to get my point. just saying..

Emotions are a very good thing - if you know what they mean. Thoughts... lead to feelings... lead to behaviors, or decisions. This is a purely human process.

Robots have no thoughts - they have input, programs, data. They also have no feelings. They can be programmed to mimic human feelings - but it is a construct, not a result of reasoning.

My apologies for blasting your article before reading the entire thing. That was truly ignorant on my part. I just got stuck at the beginning and moved on to the next thing. When I have some time, I will try to get back to it again.

TBH, there are probably many uses for robots in policy-making, law-writing, administration, and many other government tasks. They would also probably do it a LOT better than a human could, because their mathematical abilities are clearly superior to 99.99% of politicians.

I would hate to find myself in a postion, sometime in the future, where I want to fight an illness - but a robot decides my chances of success are only 0.843 % - so it shuts down my breathing machine, "for the good of society," because it is not "cost effective."

But, PRESIDENT??? Let's see if we can get a woman, first. And, NO, I didn't vote for Hillary.

Emotions are a very good thing - if you know what they mean. Thoughts... lead to feelings... lead to behaviors, or decisions. This is a purely human process.

Yup exactly - I've written about the importance of this before and how it'll be a big part of what we do next time

TBH, there are probably many uses for robots in policy-making, law-writing, administration, and many other government tasks. They would also probably do it a LOT better than a human could, because their mathematical abilities are clearly superior to 99.99% of politicians.

Yeah there's just no dispute. But I'd be worried if a bot is in place of total executive order though and absolutely not in support of such position of power / control although i think that's quite unlikely to happen seeing how things are going. Bots are able to provide with great data as long as we human beings ask the right questions.

I would hate to find myself in a postion, sometime in the future, where I want to fight an illness - but a robot decides my chances of success are only 0.843 % - so it shuts down my breathing machine, "for the good of society," because it is not "cost effective.

Haha that'll be terrible for sure. If anything, final decision for any individuals should be themselves.

But, PRESIDENT??? Let's see if we can get a woman, first. And, NO, I didn't vote for Hillary.

I wonder how would a "vote for no rulers" option would work. Lol

"But I'd be worried if a bot is in place of total executive order though and absolutely not in support of such position of power / control although i think that's quite unlikely to happen seeing how things are going. Bots are able to provide with great data as long as we human beings ask the right questions."

You should be worried about the ppeople who will see Hacking such a bot as a great challenge and as their destiny as a way for them to "take over the world"....

"I would hate to find myself in a postion, sometime in the future, where I want to fight an illness - but a robot decides my chances of success are only 0.843 % - so it shuts down my breathing machine, "for the good of society," because it is not "cost effective."
Yes dont worry because by then, you wont have any brathing machine, nanotech will keep you alve for free using solar power or your own cells ATP a energy, youll just eat foood to poweryour bodies nanotech, update the frmware, your good, it will b so cheap do you ever haveto shut down someones breathing machiine now because u cantafford the electricityNo electricity is pletiful and cheap now and always will be with solar panels and whatevr else we invent

so ont worry the futrure ir brighter than we think!

by the time we have AI this good, technology will be aso awesome ten years in 2027 we will have flying cars and bases on mars! dont worry life extension will be theere too, for the rich, dont worry if ur not rich u wont wanna lve anyway LOl just kiddkking everyone will be rich!

noone will be poor, why woudl anyone be poor whenu can get work online?

and by the time we run oit of jobs everyone will have sustaimable solar powered crypto currency mining trailers and we will all be chilling an robots will manufacture anything new we might need, or we build it ourself, using 3d printers, future will be easy!