....New Idea at Corbett Report...

in #technology8 years ago

James Corbett's video below talks about "A helpful Corbett Report listener pointed me to the source of the Soros 60 Minutes video that emerged earlier this week: a collaborative investigation by The_Donald subreddit. This is a great example of the "open source investigation" model of collaborative research that I've been fostering at The Corbett Report for the past few years. "

What would you consider hot topics of the day and get people within the group to do investigative reporting?

Would you like to take part in the Corbett Report open source investigation model? Sign up and try it out https://www.corbettreport.com/


Sore o's happen from thinking bending over is a compulsory act.

finding ways to keep things alive... where there is a will, there will always be a way :)