Today there has been news leads people to believe that the iPhone X is dead now Taiwanese semiconductor the company that makes all the semiconductors
they supply Apple as well they have a huge inventory of parts that they can't get rid of because Apple's not ordering anymore iPhone tents and then a company called AMS that that makes the 3d technology,
That goes into FaceTime they their stock dropped six seven percent and the revenue has decreased by thirty five percent from last quarter because apples not buying their products because apples are not making the iPhone 10 anymore so everybody says
"oh well it was never it was never meant to be like you know iPhone 10s or iPhone"
whatever it was supposed to be a one-off model anniversary but you go and you find in any of Apple's add commentary where they say that this is an anniversary phone and that's the whole reason it exists it doesn't say that anywhere I like the iPhone 10.
I went back to the iPhone 10 I enjoy using the iPhone 10 none of that matters what matters is for all indications other than Apple's media department it seems like the iPhone 10 hasn't been that successful and now they're pulling the plug some people might say that oh yeah maybe they're they're just moving away from the iPhone 10,
because they're gonna be building next year's phones of which there are supposed to be three which like a really bad idea but at least they're giving us a five hundred and fifty dollar LCD version of a 6.1 inch phone I don't know what that'll look like I don't know if people will go for that Apple has always looked at as sort of a luxury brand and buying an iPhone is kind of a luxury purchase,
do we want budget iPhones the iPhone 5c tells us no most of this news comes in a note that was written by an analyst called "Neil Camping" and in that note he has a couple of quotes that I thought would be really interesting.
with the decline of iPhone 10 orders and the inventory issues at Taiwanese semiconductor at record highs which basically reflects a need to get rid of inventory burn off inventory why because the iPhone 10 is dead it goes on to say the simple problem with the 10 is it's too expensive consumers are turning their backs on higher priced smartphones
That's interesting it may be true to a certain extent that Apple's shifting gears and moving toward next year's phones it may be true that instead of keeping this model around they're just gonna create another model with updated specs and it's not going to be connected to this but it might still look like this it might have different materials I don't know but this was the device that was supposed to launch Apple into the new stratosphere of sales and money I guess and even Apple says this is the best-selling iPhone and and they say the eight and eight plus have outsold any iPhone ever and how can this be the most successful phone they have and yet they've stopped ordering parts to manufacture more I don't get it do you get it is the iPhone 10 dead,
why don't you tell me what you think down in the comments because I would like to know and so would everybody else iPhone 10 has just been filled with drama from day one it is a nice beautifully designed device I enjoy using it but it seems to me that it just has really caught on like the wildfire that Apple expected it.
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Thats hilarious 😁 hey i meant not iphone is dead iphonex production was dead.. Apple's shifting gears and moving toward next year's phones it may be true that instead of keeping this model around they're just gonna create another model with updated specs.. thanks for passing by.