Popular literature is replete with scary renditions of Artificial Intelligence.
Numerous articles, stories, and novels depict an Eeeeeeeevil AI taking over the world to the detriment of humanity.
The Terminator franchise

staring Arnold Schwarzenegger

From my perspective it appears that all of HollyWeird and most of the legacy publishers to include the Hugo wanna-bes have bought into this meme. The world is doomed if we let the evil machine overlords take over.
Too late.
I suggest that we have been in a war with a form of artificial intelligence since shortly after the Agricultural Revolution. It’s not pretty either.
I suggest that when an organization reaches a certain size then the wants and needs of the organization begin to take priority over the wants and needs of the individuals who comprise that organization. It’s been rationalized throughout history with pretty words such as
the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few which the liberals who rule hollyweird and the american news media brazenly plagiarized from such benevolent individuals such as the author of the timeless phrase

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs
GodBotherers have been using the divinity pretext forEVER
I submit that ever since (and perhaps due to the psychic trauma derived from) the melting of the glaciers and the advent of agriculture when people first began to live in groups...that we’ve been beset by meta human intelligence.
Recently this phenomena has been describe in many ways.
The Iron Laws for example of which there are several.
The Iron Law of Bureaucracy
states that.
Secondly, there will be those dedicated to the organization itself. Examples are many of the administrators in the education system, many professors of education, many teachers union officials, much of the NASA headquarters staff, etc.
The Iron Law states that in every case the second group will gain and keep control of the organization. It will write the rules, and control promotions within the organization.
Then the organizations begin to compete and to feed upon one another.
It does not MATTER what the individual humans within any of the organizations think or want. The organization itself is paramont.
Is this or is this not a form of Artificial Intelligence?
Have humans benifited from this relationship?
Perhaps it could be argued that humans have progressed IN SPITE of this relationship. It can be argued that the tendency for Organizations to see to their own self preservation first is detrimental to humans.
Stories of individual heros bravely sacraficing themselves for their (insert name of organization here) are as common throughout history as mold is in a damp climate.
I can’t recall off hand of a single organization sacrificing it’self for an individual.
So what can be done about it?
We MAY know what the tipping point is. It’s called Dunbar’s Number and it’s sometimes depicted as the monkeysphere.
If that is the case then the solution is obvious.
in this case that would mean Keep it SMALL, Stupid, referring to organizations.
Company size, or smaller.
Hmmmmm...why did the army chose that particular number of soldiers ?
Just a thought.
Thanks for the links you shared, although reading those articles was depressing. I already knew I'm not a social person, but I find that I'm way bellow what seems acceptable for a big-brained human. I cannot write down 150 people I could be in a group with. I'm more monkey than human...
nope...that's NOT what the term 'monkeysphere' means...it does NOT mean you are more monkey than human.
it means..
you are among the 'some people' on the left.
Good exposition of your position on gummint. Thanks for the links!
I am happy to see trends in technological development that tend to decentralization, and hope that indicates that the phase of development that necessitated concentrations of power, whether economic, industrial, or military, is transitory.
Technology such as cryptocurrency, 3D printing, and firearms all strongly disburse power to individuals that was formerly only potential to institutions.
governments are getting more powerful.
individuals are getting more powerful also
Individuals are getting more powerful FASTER than Governments are.
One day the two curves will cross.
Imagine an individual being more powerful than a government.
(oh wait...Soros)
First is looks like you are talking to robots on a video call. It's very cool and creative though.
the image editor I use is VERY hard to work with.
it fights me every pixel of the way.
A damn fine piece of rhetoric there. On the issue of ACTUAL AI, all I can say is I'm absolutely baffled by so many foolish people, including supposedly very intelligent ones who are openly advocating the arrival and merging of humanity with such a concept. If humans can be monstrouly inhuman toward each other for the most trivial of reasons, no matter how 'good' they may seem to be, just imagine what logical decisions would be made by a vastly superior intelligence that is unfettered with such trivial and irrational thought modifiers such as compassion, integrity & sorrow?
see my posts on the monkeysphere.
An astute piece of writing, sir.
The way i see it(well, pretty much the same as you actually), is like you - small - everything.
And dissolution of governments. Every few years.
(I just though of this, so feel free to blast holes)
Even administation departments in governments
ALL government posts are temporary . (with a 10 year period between ANY other government employment position)
Keep the state infrastructure, perpetually scattered.
Just thoughts, inspired by your post.
Good one !
Keep the state infrastructure, perpetually scattered.
The mark of a successful operation is that each and every decision gets made at the lowest possible level in the chain of command. I've been told that's what makes the american military so devastating...rather than wait for the brass to micro manage our boys just kick ass. It seems to work. No one can stand in the field against us.
Same thing with any business. If there's a piece of trash on the floor...pick the damn thing UP!...rather than submitting a form in triplicate to be reviewed by management in order to have resources allocated for a sanitry engineer to....
you get my drift?
I get your drift on the principle.
I'm not sure I agree on your perspective of the US military.
(from a military historian - trainspotters - wargamers, point of view - but that's another conversation)