Getting the PCR was a bit of a challenge in itself. We're supposed to pre book but my local one wasn't available. The nearest one was 12 miles but they said don't take public transport or taxi and I don't have a car.... Then my sister said her son walks in the local one every week for a test for his job, but the website said do not walk in. In the end we just rolled up the next day and they were fine!!! Lucikly I listed to my sister otherwise I'll still be sitting here for 10 days thinking do I really have Covid!!!
Thanks for dropping by @bozz, much appreciated
Oh wow, that does sound like quite the ordeal. I know over here you have to get an appointment, but they aren't quite as strict about the whole stay in your house thing. At least not many people pay attention or adhere to that it seems. It's a very cavalier attitude people have over here which is unfortunate sometimes.