Most of us are social creatures and our survival instincts move us to belong. Those are good things. It's just the way it is. What I'm saying is that we become infused with the energy of a group or tribe and when that occurs we frequently cannot recognize that the group-think may be a lie, or may lead us to do things we normally would not. Awareness is the key.
My daughter, @littlescribe is LDS. In fact she and family are moving to Utah in a month. Right now she is just a few miles away. Hate to see her go.
Oh, I completely agree. Awareness is key. It's not about the group, anyway. It's always about the individual. I hear a lot about team this and team that when it comes to work or some other organization, and I don't know. Everyone has to be on the same level, same amount of knowledge of their position, pulling their own weight, etc., for it be about the group.
It is true, though. It is quite easy to fall into group think. It happens a lot around here, which I find sad because we're supposedly trying to get away from that.
Okay. I thought there must be some connection with the LDS church, but I can't remember every conversation we've had, so not remembering if you've mentioned that before to me or not.
I'm sorry to hear she's moving, too. I've lived in Utah for extended periods of time, but never really get used to it. I like the idea of having a larger population of likeminded people living around you, but it has its limits, too. Plus, I'm used to the green. :)