Hi Everyone
I have almost reached 1000 Followers and I would like to thank each and every one of you for the continued support. It really means a lot that I have such a great backing on this platform.
I love technology and thus have been involved in the IT Solutions sector for the past 10 years. I realized that due to the diverse nature of IT, that you can never comprehend all aspects of IT. I have made a strategic decision to rather focus my knowledge, experience and networking on a niche part of IT that would make sense in the greater scheme of things.
I am currently working as the Head of Insfrastructure at a well known KZN ISP with a national footprint. This has been a very challenging episode in my life as I have now seen the other side of the coin, the ISP's perspective is a completely different game from the consumers. I am now all of a sudden worrying about upstream providers and how BGP convergence affects international paths etc. etc...Don't worry I won't bore you with the technicalities ;)
Although the above mentioned has been very challenging and keeps me very busy, I just can't have all my eggs in one basket. It's always been an almost addiction of mine to be involved in many different projects and thus I have embarked on a fascinating journey to turn the security industry upside down. I have been working with a hardcore coder for a while now. He has been involved in the banking & coding sector for most of his life and thus he has decided that the flawed username/password system needs to be made a thing of the past. He has finally perfected this by working religiously on this system for the past 10 years and after spending millions, managed to rid the world of the biggest problem that no-one seems to have the answer to.
Privacy, Security and Major Hacking Events
I have been studying website tracking, privacy and data mining for a few years and realized as to how oblivious we are to what information is being gathered about our online activity and most importantly our digital footprint.
I have installed a very handy "tool" on my Linux System that shows me tracking on a specific site, I have attached results from Steemit which is funny that they have Facebook tracking.
The worlds biggest problem is security & privacy. I haven't been able to read a tech forum without seeing a hacking attempt made or someone falling to a clever malicious scheme sent via email. The above mentioned system protects against hacking, phising and the missunderstanding of encrypted content. Ok so wait now...my content is encrypted, surely that is safe enough?? Hmmmmm well yes and no..I will explain in a quick and painless paragraph below why encrypted data stored on a website isn't really 100% secure.
My Data is encrypted...I can now sit back and relax...
Encrypted data normally works with an encryption algorithm that works on the encrypt & decrypt method. I realize it goes beyond just that and I will post on the nitty gritty of this above mentioned if there is interest from my followers :) OK...so data gets sent over a secure channel (HTTPS) and thus get encrypted, this is great since the normal MITM (Man-in-the-middle) Attacker wouldn't be able to easily see your information sent since it's sent in an encrypted fashion. BUT here is the tricky part..who holds the key to decrypt YOUR information? The website that encrypts your information holds the key..so if you have banking details saved on Paypal (for example) well suprise suprise, a well knowledged hacker can gain access to Paypal and once they get hold of your decryption key, get hold of your banking details as well. That is quite a scary statement and yet it's 100% true.
Please have a look at this product that I have been involved in with the developer. We are open to form strategic partnerships with individuals or companies that can bring value to the table. There is a lucrative offer for the individual or company that would like to get involved. Please contact me on Steemit Chat or Discord should you require more information and find out what our current prospects are.
My Awesome Followers :)
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Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone
Thank you for the reminder. And congratulations on the 1000 followers. How did you get them in a format you could copy and paste all..??I am on my daughters blog right now as she currently does not have time to give out her votes. Love and peace, Melissa
Congrats and you have quite an awesome career there :) and indeed a lot of times RL comes first, above all out social channels. GL ahead!
Thanks @ropname for the response :) please join our discord channel if you havent done so already
Great post and I see your technique on this post, lets see if it pays off. Its good to experiment sometimes. Good luck!
Hahaha thanks @afrikanprince . I dont do that often, just thought of a way to get my followers to read my post ;)
Congrads @philip.willemse on your milestone, followed
Thanks @happyhousewife , will read through your posts & follow shortly :)
Your so welcome
Congratulations on your milestone :) Looks like you have been busy ..keep up the good work ...happy to be following you :) :) upvoted :) ;) kayleigh
Thanks for the kind feedback @kayleigh-alesta and the multiple smileys lol :)
Have you joined our Team South Africa discord chat yet?
You're very welcome :) :) No I haven't because I have been so busy ..but I absolutely will!!
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