You make very good points there but without actionable change I can't really be that optimistic, we can all talk until we blue in the face but if things don't change soon we're digging a hole that might never get out of, or take years to get out of.
I appreciate your optimism and who knows maybe its the swift kick in the pants everyone needs we were heavily coasting for years and papering over many cracks. I just think that from a personal stand point I am losing out
We are all losing out. I completely understand where you're coming from. Remember this: the gravy train began 25 years ago and then turned into an express train under Zuma; thanks to the likes of the Guptas and all those who fell into their purvue. You cannot repair in 12 months what it took 120 achieve.
Baby steps.
On another note: when I had some peripheral involvement in the struggle in 1986, what happened on 10 February 1990 was inconceivable. Let alone 27 April 1994. Yes, this is not what we fought for and yes, as I've mentioned before, I've eschewed working in an area I loved because of the toxicity of working in parastatals and government, and am starting from scratch; with nothing. In my 50s. I was angry and bitter. Still am at times, but that's a waste of energy.
Perhaps it's the full moon and the equinox....
Hey, enjoy a glass of wine/beer and look at the stars when the lights go off; talk to your partner; plan something nice to do that doesn't need electricity. I work from home and plan my sh*t around it. Including the washing, cooking, work, etc., etc. It could be worse. There could be no electricity.....