An overview of the Team Possible Power guild requirements, rules and inner working, set up to inform new and existing members.

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Up until now, all the information about the guild has been posted on Discord and in the guild tavern. As a result, everything is scattered, and it has become a tedious job to inform new members about all the rules, requirements, benefits, etc. of the Team Possible Power guild.
In this post, I'll try to make a clear overview of everything that is involved when you're a member of Team Possible Power.
Whenever new decisions are made, this post will be edited, so it will remain an up-to-date source of information for guild members.
Guild Requirements
- Guild members need to contribute 250 DEC/week to the @tppower account. Cutoff day is Saturday. Taking into consideration the different time zones we all live in, I accept contributions for that week until Sunday 12pm GMT+2. If your contribution comes in later than that, it will count towards the following week, and you will still have to contribute for the past week. A list of people who have contributed and who haven't will be posted on Discord every week on Monday or Tuesday.
post 1 & post 2.)
(More information about the reasons for contributing to the @tppower account instead of the guild tavern or arena can be found in these 2 posts: - Guild members need to be active and contributing. Inactivity for 3 weeks without communication will get you kicked from the guild. Not contributing for 4 weeks will also get you kicked from the guild. (I'll personally contact you on Discord before I kick you out, though.)
- Guild members need to be a member of our team Possible Discord channel and follow up on the messages posted in the Power Guild channel. You will be tagged whenever an important message is posted. Please pay attention to those tags and react whenever you are asked to. Failure to follow up on important things on Discord can get you kicked out of the guild. (This will be decided on a case-to-case basis.)
- Guild members are required to participate in at least 1 brawl/month. (This might be changed to 2 brawls a month after a trial period which will start on July 15th, 2021. There's still some organisation that needs to be done regarding brawls, and since we're a bit bottom-heavy, I need to see what will work.)
Every week, on Monday or Tuesday, I'll be hosting a raffle, in which you can win a weekly delegation of 1 of the cards we have available (see below).
Your basic contribution (250 DEC) will give you 1 ticket in that raffle. For every 100 DEC you contribute extra, you will get an extra ticket.
You're only eligible to participate in the raffle when
- you've sent in your contribution in time (see above)
- you're all caught up with contributions. If you have missed a contribution during one of the previous weeks, you won't get any tickets in that week's raffle.
The winners of the raffle will be decided using a random name generator and the names of the winners will be posted in the Discord channel and the guild tavern, together with the explanation on how you can get your prize if you're one of them.
Currently, the cards available for delegation are:
- GF chicken (level 3)
- GF chain golem (level 2)
- Regular Chain Golem (level 2)
- GF goblin chef (level 4)
- GF Armorsmith (level 4)
- GF Failed Summoner (level 3)
- GF Herbalist (level 3)
- GF Spirit Shaman (level 3)
- Undead Archer (level 5)
- Halfling Alchemist (level 4)
If you're not interested in participating in the raffle, let me know and I'll leave you out.
GUILD Tokens And Assets
This has been put up for vote on Discord, and it was decided by majority that the GUILD tokens that represent the Team Possible assets will NOT be distributed to individual members, but instead will be kept in a separate account.
In the not to distant future, those GUILD tokens will be exchanged for actual assets (DEC, Booster Packs, Cards, Lands, etc.) and will be used to help to improve the guild itself (e.g. level up the arena, buy stuff in the shop) and could partly be distributed to players in one way or the other, like for example giving them away as prizes. This last part is still TBD.
Once SPS tokens have been released, the account that holds the assets will receive amounts of SPS tokens based on the assets that are in the account. Once we get there, we can accumulate those tokens in that account and either distribute them anytime the group sees fit or even just stake them on the players of TP Power.
This will be put up for a vote when the time is right.
Team Possible Power is serious about brawls.
- As mentioned before, regular participation in brawls is mandatory if you want to stay in the guild. A minimum number of brawls that has to be played is still TBD, but on July 15th, we'll start with the experiment of requiring participation in at least 1 brawl/month. The outcome of that experiment will decide if we will up that requirement to make it 2 brawls a month.
- If you're not interested in playing brawls, let me know and we can move you to Team Possible Diamond, which is currently a casual brawling guild. TP Diamond has the same contribution fee as TP Power (250 DEC/week) to make it possible to move members around in case they're not interested in brawling.
(DISCLAIMER: It may be that in the future Team Possible Diamond will become more serious about brawls and may ask anyone not interested in brawling to move again, but we're hoping that the introduction of individual rewards in the form of Merits and later SPS tokens for participation in brawls will make people see the benefits of taking part.)
- If you sign up for a brawl, you must play (all) your battles. If you fail to do so, there will be consequences:
1st time will be excused.
If it becomes a recurring problem for someone (4x), the guild members will take a vote whether to keep that person in the guild or remove him/her. Every next time you don't follow up on your brawl commitment, you'll be asked to send 750 DEC to the @tpfines account. If you don't, you'll be removed from the guild.
Tip: we all know that life can get in the way sometimes. If you notice that for some (legit) reason you won't be able to submit your brawl battles, you're free to contact someone in the guild and ask that person to play your battles for you. Please try to foresee this and don't wait until there are only 2 hours left in that specific brawl. By sharing your private posting key, you can allow anyone to play your account, without any risk that cards or DEC can be transferred out, as long as you have the 'Require active authority for transactions of monetary value' enabled. To enable it, click your username in-game and select 'Settings'. Then, make sure the switch is 'on'.
- Only sign up for brawls your deck is fit for. There's a reference list in the pinned messages of the Discord channel. I'm planning to work that out a little more and turn it into some sort of a rotation schedule to get a bit more organized and give everyone a chance to play at least the required number of brawls per month, but for now it has to do.
In case we can't fill all frays, and your deck is a corner case, please communicate in Discord before you pick a different fray.
- When brawls start during my day time, I'll be checking who signed up for which fray before the actual brawl starts, and ****might make some changes**** if I think it will be beneficial for our chances to do good. I'll be asking my guild officers to do the same thing when brawls start during my night time.
- If frays remain unfilled, I will be assigning people to those frays (when possible). You'll be expected to play them if you're assigned. So, if you can't/won't be available to play the upcoming brawl for some reason, let me know on Discord as early as possible.
That way, I know I should not assign you to a fray.
- You can find a link to the spreadsheet that has the results of all the brawls, the participation in brawls and the list of members who have missed submitting (all) their battles in the pinned messages in the Discord channel.
- You can find a link to the spreadsheet that has the results of all the brawls, the participation in brawls and the list of members who have missed submitting (all) their battles in the pinned messages in the Discord channel.
If you lack cards of which you feel they are important, you can check the @mylibrary and @battlemaster accounts to see if any of the cards in there (of course only the ones that are not delegated already) could help you fill the holes in your deck for a specific brawl. To request a card from @mylibrary, you can leave a message in the '#mylibrary'-channel on Discord (scroll down in the list of channels, you'll find it under 'Guild Delegations'). To request cards from the @battlemaster account, simply contact me.
This post will be updated if new things come up, or if I think of something I forgot to mention.