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in #teamnz6 years ago

We all have different ways of looking at things, and it's safe to say I disagree with several of your levels.

But another thing I've learned in the past few years is that although I'm about as non religious as can be, some Christians are allies in fighting things like agenda 2030, microchipping, and vaccinations.

So on your picture I'll just look for points of agreement - I'm with you on the blue ones - I can guess what your conclusion to that will be, and I probably have a different one - but what the hell, yesterday I just agreed to disagree with someone who thinks Elon Musk isn't a con man. LOL. I could be a diplomat!


some followers of Jesus are very clued-up, most are as asleep and brainwashed as the rest of the population.

musk not a conman? lmao, what did they think about the sec-fined tweets?
also, he built a rocket that lands back exactly the way it went up, dontchaknow? lol.

'everything they show us is..cgi..'

You still thumping that BuyBull?
Man, WTF happened to you! ? !
First it was the totally implausible flat earth and then the relentless preaching!
How you dare to suggest that you are on some sort of higher level whilst simultaneously quoting Jesus is utterly beyond me. Didn't he say we are all God's children? ie EQUAL?

Spiritually we are one and there are no "levels" or evolved souls.
There is no heaven and no hell.
The ultimate mind control weapon has been the false doctrines forced upon us by the Roman Empire which hijacked a great teacher and used him as the corner stone for a control agent against us!
Your slavery remains intact if you believe their tripe.

True spiritual beings see no hierarchies, wield no sense of superiority and recognise no levels of acheivement.
Frot was talking about levels of understanding in respect of the painful and often long journey to the truth. He was suggesting that this may well be further from our grasp than we realise. He was not talking about shooting back to medieval mindlessness when people could not read or write and had to believe or be burned at the stake for heresy.
That seems to be where you are at now.
Which strikes me as an extremely sad situation.

Your songs and personality took a hard hit somewhere and from persons unknown but I sure would like to know who it was who stole Darren the great anti-fracking campaigner and stuffed his brain with mind control old style religion.
That was a mournful loss which presaged a shocking split in our community, the effects of which are still repercussing today.
When you understand that "all is one" such things actually hurt you.

the fact that you think Jesus preached we are all equal shows you haven't really read the bible fran, yet you deign to call it 'a mind control weapon' and don't consider it the word of God.

i wonder if you personally attack those preaching the quran in the same way? thought not.

as to the rest, no leaders, right?

ps - the earth is a fixed plane, not a spinning ball, that's just another lie -

A true test - flat earth - my favourite theory...not...

Can I do level four now? - I know I struggled with that when I did my flat earth post back in January :)

i fully agree, earth is not a flat disc either. that part IS a psy op, but the EVEN BIGGER psy op is that we're on a ball spinning at 1038 mph in an even faster solar system, and it's all held together by a force no one has yet proven the existence of.

meanwhile, old-fashioned empirical experiments like michelson-morley, sagnac's turntables and airy's 'failure' proved the earth was definitely not in motion, even if they weren't necessarily trying to do so.

then you have the hoax moon landings - you are at that level, right?

or perhaps you agree with this statement: 'there are also a lot of images taken from the satellites, rockets and space junk that is orbiting around the planet, and although manned rockets have never actually landed on the moon there are no shortage of cameras floating around in the atmosphere.

And what the photos show is a spherical planet just like all of the others. '

please find such photos and post them please. no one has managed to find a single real shot yet. they're all composites or artwork, every one. prove me wrong.

Living on the coast I can see the horizon out of the window and watch huge cruise liners sail away and disappear from view.

I'll post some of my own photos that are fully legit.

Yes the moon landing was fake. But that is nothing to do with the shape of the earth, Stanley Kubrick filmed it in a studio.

And I fully agree with what that sift666 guy wrote - that is one of my other accounts :)

yes, you can, because of the way light and our perception work.

think about it, if ships were disappearing over the curve of the ocean then a telescope would not bring them back into view.

think about it, if the z axis is curving away from us, how come the x axis, the horizon, is never curved? is it only curved one way, like a cylinder?

while we agree the flat disc model is stupid, it doesn't mean we are on a spinning ball no one can feel any motion of.

if you know the moon landings are fake, then where does this 1972 shot of earth, supposedly taken on that fake mission, come from?

you know, the one, it's been used in posters and textbooks for decades to help convince people, along with holly wood sci-fi and theoretical physics, to not trust their own senses and believe the opposite of what they experience is the truth.

why is there little difference in experience at different latitudes of earth, when it's 1038 mph rotation should cause airplanes flying north/ south some difficulty, for example?


it's a mind-blower, but once you see it, you can never unsee it. such a shame about the 'official' flat earth model with the ice wall, what a load of non sense, designed to put people off realising they've been conned big time.

I don't know the back story to all this, but yes, the bits I know about I agree with you on totally - thanks for an honest comment to go with those deep insights!


Looks like photos of chemtrail skies that I"ve been taken for the last year since I started focussing on 5G. From reading this post up to this point, it seems to me that you are being demoralized by the sheeple. They are just being the way they are programmed to be. You, on the other hand, are awake and you know you have much work to do and much knowledge to capture. I have been studying this stuff so long that I took a month off. We must recharge and stay healthy through this storm we know exists. We gotta use this as an opportunity to come back stronger. We need those frustrated truth community members to hang in there and keep taking action. We, as a people , will get to the promised land

