1st 3 layer waffle cake for my boy he love it so much & ask for more next time. I work noon shift on Friday so usually I sent him to tuition at 9.30am & pick him up at 11.15am. If I have the extra time I will make him a special lunch for him before go to school, I searched the balance ingredients I had in fridge & cabinet & started to prepare. Once lunch done, I got ready myself & picked him from tuition. He ready with his uniform & bag while I prepared to serve out his lunch, he was just like "wow !! so tall. Mom, you can start your cooking career." Haha !! Thanks anyway. F&B is not my favorite career, this job is too tiring. I rather just take it as hobby & serve you all is enough for me. I love to create different type of food but Im not a good cook. I love food art.
第一次做了3 层蛋奶烘饼蛋糕给我的儿子,他超爱的还要求下次再做。星期五我必须在9.30早上送儿子去补习之后11.15早上补习完毕因为我做中午班。如果有多余时间都会为他准备特别的午餐。我就到雪柜找剩下的材料然后开始准备。时间差不多了我就准备好自己把儿子载回家。儿子就忙准备自己的必需品而我就忙他的午餐,他看到之后眼睛睁大了一下“哇!好高哦。妈妈可以换去主厨工作啦!” 多谢啦!主厨不是我爱的工作,太劳累了。我觉得当个爱好就行了。我喜欢设计可爱的食物但我不是厉害主厨。我喜欢食物艺术。
How to make 3 layer waffle cake
All you need to prepare is waffle, egg, sausage, cheese, butter & mayo.
Add salt, pepper & crushed black pepper into the egg. Put certain amount of oil & fried the egg into golden.
鸡蛋液里加入盐,胡椒粉 & 黑胡椒碎。放适量的油,把鸡蛋煎至金黄色。
Add some butter & stir fried the sausage(sausage cut into half).
Prepared 3 waffles, egg cut into half, sausages & 2 slices of cheese (cut into 4 & half)
Now start to put all layer by layer, the cheese is to put between the waffles with sausage & egg to make sure the waffle cake stick to each layer. You may arrange it according you wish too.
Waffle - Cheese - Egg - Cheese - Waffle - Cheese - Sausage - Cheese - Waffle - Cheese - Sausage
Once done arranging, bake in the oven for 100 degree at 10 minutes.
Spread some mayo & crushed black pepper. Let it cool down for while & cut into pieces. It is ready to serve.
@yumisee, 看到你的帖子,真是我的幸运啊!太棒了!
BTW, @cn-naughty.boy 淘气包你讨厌,抢伦家沙发~哼~~~ (>_<、)
偷偷告诉你...我很讨厌煮.... 逼不得已也都煮了几年了……呜呜... 最近,压力锅救了我!至少有碗汤,不让孩子可怜得连碗汤都没有
我家是用magic pot。。。就煮滚后。。就放着行了
一个方法实在太好用了。有时候很赶时间要载女儿上学 ,早餐想到头都痛了都不知道要吃什么好。
@yumisee 你所推荐的食谱,真的适合那些嘴馋有没有太多时间准备的人,方便快捷~
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