
Awhh I saw you but didn't get to talk to you :/
it's such a great idea to use your hashtag stickers to get around :D
Hope we can talk more on the next meetup!

Hello Elle! Yea, I'm sorry that I didnt get to sit around with you all in the table :(
Haha, yea, I think everyone was happy with it too, some even sticked on their phone case, teammalaysia do have all the nice people here 😚

Sure sure, cant wait for more meetups!

Was a real pleasure meeting u! Thank u for a great post and dope video keep it up and see u soon in the next one, til then Steem On ;)

Hello and thank you so much 😆! Glad that I get to have a short chitchat session with you few days back!

likewise! catch u in the next one, Salute!

I saw you and didn’t realise it was you. Keep thinking who is this pretty girl.

HELLO! I Didn't know you went until I saw some posted and mentioned you in their post, I'm sorry I didnt came to you to talk abit of what we do and stuff.

So nice of you, thank you for the compliment 😘😘 hope I could meet you in the future! Steem on 2018!

Hey no worries. Too many of us there i didn’t manage to catch up with a lot of them too. Am sure there are plenty of chance for us to catch up in future. By the way i like how you incorporate a lot of other mymeetup18 post in yours. Good exposure for everyone. Very creative and well done!

Thank you Ladylei! I like it when I get to share it out so people would notice their post and thoughts! But it's slightly tough when I need to update this post quite frequently when someone post about it. It's still enjoyable to do so of course :D

Thanks for the sticker. Will follow you and read more about your post =)

Ngaww, hope you would stick them on your notebook or anything you find it nice to stick on 😚 ! Sure sure, I've followed you back for more stalking session 😋

Now i remember you!

yes yes, please remember me till the day you stop steemit (which I know it won't happen!!!)

Finally able to meet up with you 😆, and thanks for the stickers.

yea man! So glad I get to meet you in person, and get to tryout that cool gimbal !! No prob, stick it anywhere you find it nice to stick at 😆

Haha! your next to buy item using STEEM 😏

wuah. all the good looking people you took at least 2 photos wor. I'm thinking maybe more right? it's just 2 of the best ;)

missed it lah. hope to join the next one!

HAHAHHA definitely got more, but I shy to share it out :P

Sure, I know there'll be more coming soon, TeamMalaysia is pretty active!

hahaha! dare to ask to take photo liao. still got shy one meh? ;)

alright! hope to catch you in one of those events. and maybe. I could be one your photos. small one also can. I'll make sure I comb my hair :p

ah ha.... it's you @notimetospace. finally i know who is this leng lui d

Heyy! Finally eh? Thank you so much for the compliment XD !
Hope to see you soon, and come talk to me eh, don't see from far only HHAHA ! ~~

Wow... you really spent a lot of time on this blog.. very nice post...
Next time, please don't leave early ya.. promise me... See you soon I hope~!

Yea, and the time spent is worth it, just to spread the joy that I had there!
Okay sure, I don't wanna leave early too next time! I promise you!

I'll remember your promise:)

Hi @notimetospace nice to meet you... haven't got chance to speak with you that day will follow you for more greater post :) cheers!

Nice to meet you too! It's okay, at least now we could catch up here in steemit! Thank you and I love your portrait shots in your posts!

Thank you thank you... :)

Yayyy... we met again... felt like taking selfie with a supermodel... hahaha

sorry forgot to buy u an ice cream on that day... (remember promising u that on one of my comment @ your post)...

Next time...😊😊😊

hahaha! Yay I'm a supermodel to Sireh!

No worries, we had our big burger and it was awesome already! I'll wait for next time :D !

It was nice to meet you and thanks for the stickers! Hope you enjoyed the gathering