HOW I sold first copy of my book BEFORE publication

in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)

It was an exciting and memorable moment for me ….. I sold the first copy of my forth-coming book, BEFORE publication and got paid in cash by Mr. Ho Chin Soon, the Sifu, during the monthly meeting / gathering of the iAuthors Club at Sri Petaling today (26th May 2018).


This is the method of encouraging and committing budding authors / writers created by the iAuthors Club’s Founder Mr. Ho Chin Soon (himself an established author and well-known Map-Maker) and Marcus Teoh (Author of “Now or Never” on Best Sellers List).

The Sifu has been keeping a fearsome Notebook appropriately titled “DEADLINE” in which he keeps the agreed Deadlines by upcoming authors / writers for the completion of their respective virgin publications.

By accepting the CASH, the prospective authors / writers are committed to deliver their respective books by the DEADLINE. What a clever, smart, effective way to incubate new authors / writers?! What is more … it is very ego-enhancing too…. the authors / writers can CLAIM that they sold their respective books, BEFORE publication, some even before writing their first sentence / paragraph. This ideally should be the case for a well-conceived / well planned publishing venture. So, take up the challenge NOW, especially if you are already a member of the iAuthors Club!

By the way, the DEADLINE for my book “THIRD CHOICE: Rich, Poor or Hypercube” is 28/06/18 (almost full-month to the dot). I am quite confident I could meet the DEADLINE, as I have just approved my final proof-copy of the book, before going to the press / printer (Publisher: Partridge Singapore)

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Wish me good luck! And please watch out for my updates when the book would actually be available on line, and other planned activities connected with the launch / sale of the book etc.

Maybe by now, you too would know how to sell multiple copies of your book BEFORE publication!

P.S. If you are really curious about my book and can't wait, contact me and I will send you the First Chapter for FREE: