10000 reasons to even praise and worship the Lord over that situations.

in #teammalaysia6 years ago (edited)

It's the weekend.

Full of activities....

Started my Saturday morning rather very sleepy and exhausted because on Saturday I had work , grandfather's birthday dinner followed by boardgames with friends from 10pm - 3am at McDonald's playing Catan and using a lot of brain juice.

So played until 3am and realise I had to wake up at 6:30am on Sunday morning because I am in the worship team for Kids Church and I had to be at church by 7:30am to just run through with the kids because the Kids team are leading worship!

After 2 services with the kids for Worship, I went out for lunch with boyfriends family and then rush back from KL ( known as Kuala Lumpur ) and then rush back all the way to church for Cheerleading planning and practice for Vacation Bible School and then went to fetch a friend to Tropicana city mall after that went to starling for dinner and then went to buy flowers to surprise someone ( you know who you are ), Sometimes a heart that Is so willing to blessed and to be part of making that smile and to add a Lil hope and faith, can go a long way....

So friends! If you see anyone down or going through a tough time, Go and do something and be that smile that they truly need.

I would say that although it may be very tiring for my not so young body but it has been such a productive weekend.

It gets even more productive when Christmas choreography dance practice starts every Saturday & Sunday in the month of Nov and yes this Saturday there is practice.

Its been a tough journey for me that only a few people would know about and I could have said no to all and be all isolated in my room and not do anything but when I choose to step out and serve God, I starts seeing things that opens up my heart and perspective everytime.

One can either choose to stay home and rot or step out to be part of that movement that the Lord is orchestrating in those lil lives.

Such a good sight to see the next generation leading worship. Learning to show the signs to change to chorus, verse 1, verse 2. The best part is seeing them willing to having an open heart and having that heart to give Jesus all their best and able to step out of their comfort zone.

"Bless the Lord oh my soul, oh my soul
Worship His Holy name
Sing like never before, oh my soul
I’ll worship Your Holy name "

Just playing the drums yesterday, there were just so much potential that God is about to birth forth in those many lives. I couldn't be more blessed and priviledge to be part of the Worship family and to see what God is doing in the lives of the next generation.

Even that Vacation Bible School is coming, so excited too see what God has in store even if it's a Mega Sports camp and the kids will be in their sports attire , I believe even through those lil ones even 5-6 years old all the way to 11-12 years old, they all will go home different and take home something so powerful.

What i really want to see in those lil lives is seeing them standing up and seeing them fly into God's calling as they continue to grow in the journey that even though the journey maybe rough as they grow, they have 10000 reasons to even praise and worship the Lord over that situations. It isn't the end of the world but it is something that God will turn it up a notch in their lives. Even in VBS, every kid to encounter God and take home something that speaks so much about being able to be there for each other, it is okay to make mistakes and fail but you learn to get yourself back up and fight even more.

Such a good montb ahead of me.

Oh btw, I use to not have patience for kids but hey! Not now. I love kids and already looking forward for my own one so that I will be able to be part of his/her journey and raise them up in Godly ways and always showing them that Jesus will always be priority and always be the first in their lives. That Papa loves you and will never forsake you.

Such a lovely reminder everyday when I wake up!

It is gonna be a fantastic good week ahead! Keep em' positive family!



Here's a snippet of what went down during Kid's Worship.


I love kids and already looking forward for my own one so that I will be able to be part of his/her journey and raise them up in Godly ways and always showing them that Jesus will always be priority and always be the first in their lives. That Papa loves you and will never forsake you.

Be ready for the happy days and the frustrating days (and heart aches too). That requires wisdom of God and His strength through the Holy Spirit in you.

But they are indeed a heritage from the LORD.

Wow sounds super busy but fulfilling! Praying that god continues to give you strength, perseverance, love, patience and wisdom for all things! One day you won’t be so free anymore hehe so enjoy it now but also don’t burn out!

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Amen ! Yes very busy but definitely enjoying it.
Thank you so much!