TeamMalaysia Polo T-Shirt Design Contest - Teh Tarik Anyone?

in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)

Dear Malaysian Steemians, how about a Teh-Tarik?

Alright, as most of the teammalaysia steemians may have know, @bitrocker2020 recently organized a PoloT contest, kan? I was pretty excited about the coming new T and getting one and seriously, I wasn't even thinking of submitting but then, creative juice come flowing, so might as well try join. Who knows I might win something haha..

Ok, disclaimer, I am not a very AI savvy, so in case got some parts look funny and out of place, pardon me yeah. Here goes nothing.

Before you see the design, i cannot decide which color to put, some like it blue some like it green... so might as well i just put two color choice selections.








Personally I prefer to keep it simple. Not too much ra-ra in the front. I've decided to incorporate teammalaysia logo in the front and our own personal Steemit-ID. Close-up sample macam below :


We are Malaysian.. and we LOVE Teh-Tarik.. so i thought why not we have STEEM-TARIK GAU GAU with an embedded message of :

  • Write Gau Gau
  • Vote Gau Gau
  • Earn Gau Gau

I was just wondering if i want to include the word "gau gau" under Write, Vote, Earn. What do you guys think? haha.. cannot imagine with or without? I made a sample with the green color below:

Ok, we already have front and black visible message, so time to make use of the side as well. Here's what I thought would be an idea :

Right sleeve : #TeamMalaysia (so, everyone recognized us, optional here to put another teammalaysia logo just above #teammalaysia )

Left sleeve: Incorporated the original Steemit Coin logo! We gotta acknowledged the creator somehow kan? :) why coin? cos i just got to know it's IP.



POLO-T COLOR selection : BLACK!!!
Why? Cos black gives a more mysterious feeling, and when you accidentally stain it after eating and drinking our delicious Malaysian foods or drinks, it won't be that visible. :P

Of cos I do understand under the hot weather in Malaysia it would be boiling hot after a while, but then can create more STEEM... not bad right?

Ending note :

So that's pretty much the idea of the design I thought of. Feel free to feedback and let me know what you guys think. :smile: ​ Thanks again @bitrocker2020 and teammalaysia for organizing and support.

Ok i been spending too much time on this, i better go do my work now.

For those who don't know about it and wanna find out more, go check out this link cos u still got time to join (depends when u read this post lah), closing date 23 Jan by 10pm :

Good luck all!


Do support and follow me on my adventure, misadventure n about life!
Thanks for stopping by once again.​



Hang on tight, sempoi one coming boss!

copat copat before the contest ended !

Done. Loving your Teh-Tarik concept lah!

haha.. tq lah

Very nice and interesting concept !!

Thank u ! :D

Love this steem-tarik gau-gau... 💕💖 💓 💗 ♨️

Thank u @elizacheng :D

You are most welcome!

I particularly like the sleeves...ever thought of having upvote sign on one sleeve and resteem on another?

ah.. didnt thought about that.. might be a good idea if got selected. TQ for suggestion

your design is teh tarik ... very traditional and closely associated to the hearts of many Malaysians

yeah.. that's the idea..haha.. we are proud malaysian kan? :P

cool design! would definitely be proud to wear this. hope you win! :)

Nice teh tarik idea!

haha.. thank u !

Nice idea, but in west malaysia they usually put KAW KAW because gau gau is well know person here and majority of the community here used KAW KAW even in their menu or advertisment.

thanks @judejulius I have seen few different ones .. kaw kaw also got. Well those words can be changed if need to. :) TQ