Initial Coin Offerings | Things you may need to know

All the ICOs over the past 4 years in 1 chart

Here is a closer look at the end charts

What are Initial Coin Offerings ( ICO ) ?

Let me try to place its in a very layman term. When a crypto startup wants to raise money, they will create a plan and write it down on a Whitepaper which includes mostly

  • Details of the projects
  • Who the team members are
  • How much is intended to be raised
  • How is the distribution of the coins raised
  • What are the timelines which also includes how long the ICO campaign would run

It has similarities of a IPO ( Initial Public Offering ) however due to crypto being decentralized, there is no securities commision which would audit the ICO and the Team behind it however its more of individuals doing their own research and decide how much they believe in that project or team.

What are the difference of COINs and TOKENs


In a simple explanation , COINS are different species of animals. Example Chicken, Cows, Fish and Cats.

Every animal has its own distinct DNA which determine what class it belongs to. So COINs are just like that. The photo to the right show the TOP 18 COINS where STEEM is one of those coins.


Now TOKENS on the other hand are like templates. For example you are using Powerpoint and want a specific design in your presentation. You just load up a Template and use it. It may look different however the backend still runs on Powerpoint.

So why people invest in ICOs ?

Here are just 3 reasons why some people invest in ICOs

  • Make 100x - 500x upon launch
    Now previously if you invested in almost any ICOs you stand to make instant profit when the ICOs launches. If you look at the top of the post, you can see how many ICOs has appeared in just over these past few months. It literally exploded.

  • I believe in the project
    It could be some really great initiative which you strongly believe in, for example an ICO which can cure world hunger !

  • I believe in the team
    Sometimes, its because of the very strong team with extremely good track record which makes it almost a sure bet to invest in their ICOs.

Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at 11.04.38 PM.png

I am sure you would not want to see that in an ICO which you have invested your precious BTC / ETH into.

How to avoid being caught in a ICO Scam ?

  • Its all about the TEAM !
    Make sure you do a background check on the TEAM behind it. Every genuine ICOs will list out all their TEAM members and also in most cases the Social Media Profile Link . This is to proof that they really exist and also having a reference helps.
    To further validate that its a real ICO, there normally is a video with their faces on it. I've come across ICO's which has their TEAM Members conveniently taken from ShutterStock !

  • Does the Project Makes Sense ?
    Some WhitePaper just pulls in a lot of jargon to further confuse you in what the real objectives are. So make sure that the project makes sense, else why bother wasting your BTC on something you don't understand. Remember , these WHITEPAPERs are mostly just outsourced to write and not written by the TEAM . Here is Proof !
    Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at 11.13.21 PM.png

  • Affiliate Fee ???
    The ICOs which I've successfully participated in were those which never gave out any Affiliate Fees. If you see an ICO which gives out Affiliate Fees .... please ... run away from it. A true Team / Startup requires the fundings to actually get the project started. By Paying any affiliate fees, they are just shooting themselves in the foot.

    Register yourself an account on , you will get all the information about the ICO there. You will see expert opinions and also you are able to judge how knowledgeable the stakeholders are . If the coin can't be found on BitcoinTalk .. then run away from it.

  • Research , Research , Research
    Depending on how much you want to invest would determine how much you should research the ICO. If its a merely few dollars of BTC, by all means go ahead and invest. However if its a double digit percentage of your total crypto assets ... I do believe you should take priority in researching and ensuring you know the ICO well.


  • Do not invest in ICOs
    Just wait for it to launch ... do the price spike then fall all the way down then you buy in the dip
  • Invest what you can afford to loose
    I never suggest placing your fiat to invest in an ICO. The risk is just too high as its decentralized and the company could easily just transfer the raised amount to another account and you will not see it ever again. Invest only if you have spare crypto which is currently not doing anything
Hope these tips helps you understand ICOs better and why you be very diligent with your investments.



Thank you for your tips!
For me it's difficult to get a real overview over all the currencies. They are billions.. Some of them look very interesting, but if they are worth to invest in nobody knows.
Maybe you could give your opinion to what would be the next hype. I hope it would be bytecoin and its rasing over 100$ the coin. ;-)

haha .. that's something which I would not get into as everyone seems to have their own "expert" opinion. My opinion and strong believe is on Steem =D

Okay ;) nice answer!
Steem looks really cool to me. I like the concept and the community behind it. Iam really new to steem, just some days. Its crazy to see same peoples post or photo earnings. What they get just by posting a photo of their lunch ;)
I dont get enough to drink a coup of coffee.. but thats okay.. iam here for fun..

great ! welcome to the Steem Blockchain ! haha , well .. for now since its still at beta stage, most steemians now will have a good time to earn . however onces the floodgates open, i believe that the payouts would be way much lower as the reward pool gets evenly distributed

Thank u @bitrocker2020... very good explaination.. thank u.

This is my first day on Steemit and I am learning, learning already. Thank you @bitrocker2020 :)

I have heard similar things from some friends... to only invest what you are willing to lose as the risks is high. Other friends are choosing to invest in mining instead.

I'm also gonna focus on Steem and value add here. Looking longer term. Cheers mate.

Yea ... So much to take in on the first day. More of an information overload. The idea is to just keep posting as you gradually learn over time . Have fun ! That's the idea of steemit

Thanks for the sharing. My knowledge in crypto is inadequate but I am really interested to start small. Beside all the tips that you mentioned above, I found this website

Is this website good or is there other better website to conduct research?

That's just one of many. Most of my research is thru bitcointalk

mygoddd this is alot for me to sink in xD im gonna try to bookmark as soon as i got time for understand this...this is very very veryyy new for me

@bitrocker2020 Based on the video & chart, the growth rate of ICOs were incredibly insane - from the merely $45 million up to over $60 billion within 4 years :O

Thanks for the info.

Really really love this post. Straight away!! Following you up.

Thank you for the info @bitrocker2020. I may want to invest in one in the future.

Any new ICO in the pipeline?

Thank you again bro

There are many ICO in progress and I am in a few which I shall not disclose here 😂😂 perhaps during our meginum session

Ngam...paling ngam time moginum. Hahaha

I also heard of ITO initial token offering, is that the same with ICO?

Read the part Coins Vs Tokens ... Yes it's concept is the same

A very good reading material. This is worth a resteem.

Thank you for the article @bitrocker2020

Still trying to understand it all. Any bit helps. Thank you