Quick meetup at KL Sentral
Its always fun to get together with like minded people and in this occasion , it was to discuss the 13th January #teammalaysia gathering and lots of other stuff.
Other topic which we were talking about ...
Is it sustainable to have Steem as your main income in Malaysia ?
A typical Malaysian House Income is about RM5,228
As I am writing this post steem dollars is now at $10.93 and to get to RM5,228 you only require 118 steem dollars.
Doing the math !
We all know of the 25% / 75% ( 50%|50% ) share.
How much do you need in your post to get up to 118 SBD a month. Your posts needs get a min of $11 or a higher value.
$11 payout post = Steempower + Steem Dollars of 4.125 = RM181.50 ( which can be exchanged for fiat daily )
So the big question is ... would you quit your day job ?
I do know that there are already a few people thinking of it and some who has already done it. Not necessary just because of Steem however due to the fact that they have obtained substantial wealth from Cryptocurrencies.
Dare to take the leap ?
The beauty of living in Malaysia is that we 've got some of the best foods at really affordable price range, our real estate is one of the most affordable and our MYR vs USD is 4:1 ratio.
With the price of steem on the move upwards and also the SBD moving up, it looks like its going to be a great year for Steemians globally.

If the price of Steem and SP can sustain at this level, it can be the main income. When I retire in 3 years time, it will be great if my income from Steemit can be bigger than my pension. I can see that as a reality.
I've been surviving on Steem since June 2017. :P
I wish to survive on it some day but to be honest I would love to finally get some recognition and some money here and there for our content. We've been travel blogging for over 7 years and we're doing it more as an expensive hobby (we're got freelance day jobs as well) but it seems like the only one who benefited from our content was FB .
You posted it mainly on Facebook? Do you blog on WordPress or other platforms? You could earn a decent amount there.
No we have a main wordpress blog (our baby) but I would say probably 4 years ago people stayed on FB, especially since FB don't want their users to leave their platform AND once they stopped sharing our updates with all of or followers. That's why we gave up on FB and found Steemit. Could you take a look at our Steemit Blog ...we're new and would really love to get noticed here. Which would give us even more drive to create more content. We're always having these up and downs and sometimes it's a bit depressing. But we swore to never give up :)
Yeah FB changed their algorithm and not even 10% of your followers can see your posts on their feed. I mostly rely on Google traffic.
Yeah i'll take a look at it.
wow .. thats amazing .. in June steem was around $2.4 right ?
Yea closer to 3, then HF 19 happened a week later. Awhile after HF 19 all dropped though. Luckily Melaka cheaper than KL. Now with Steem at $8, it feels surreal!
Time to move to malacca 😆
What is Malacca?
Malacca is the english of Melaka, which is one of the states in Malaysia
Oh ... and I thought it was some kind of cryptocurrency . hhahaha sorry! Thank you for clearing that up.
haha .... tell me bout it !
Wow, I didn't know that! Good on you. All the best in your endavours.
Haha with Steem price at $8, can live in KL also. :P
I was wondering, is it better to keep more Steem or SBD? Or its a whole different kind of game playing with this 2?
Need a little bit more to really fully live off 😂, waiting the day it shoot up till $15
SBD was supposed to be pegged to $1 usd but for some reason the market pumped it up..
I would keep more Steem instead, and power up to get more influence..
Terbaik !! Teh tarik + Roti canai=0.10sbd
boleh upgrade jadi roti telur sudah bro
Hahaha, betul jgk tu.
Great bro! With you helping the Malaysian community, im sure some bloggers can take the leap!
Hope that I really can do it. I really wanted to reduce dependancy on my parents when I am studying overseas.
Hah .. thats true 😀 .. that is what few steemians are doing . It's better then taking a few jobs just to sustain an income
Haven't been easy for me though...just enduring so far.
Now working my way to fully live on STEEMIT... 😆
Let's do it!
took me some time to understand the math there! looking forward to see you guys soon!
Same here 😁
How does this equation works? Is 4.125 a static figure?
$11 payout post = Steempower + Steem Dollars of 4.125 = RM181.50
The formula goes like this:
$11 split into 75% | 25% (Author, Curator)
= $ 8.25
$8.25 split into 50% | 50% (SBD, SP)
= $4.125
Then SBD to USD (Using 1:11 SBD to USD)
$4.125 * 11 = USD 45.375
Then USD to RM (Using 1:4 USD to RM)
USD 45.375 * 4
= RM 181.5
That's a pretty detailed explanation @superoo7! Way to go!
Thanks. That's good to know.
Hi! @bitrocker2020 although I'm not from Malaysia, exactly 4 months ago I started in steemit and in the world of cryptocurrencies, and 3 months ago I made the final decision to quit my job to dedicate myself to steemit, to continue learning from the cryptoworld and to make art!
Congrats on taking the leap 😆
Anything which is scary yet exciting = win . Glad that you've done it and I'm sure it's one of the best decisions yet
If it was, as I mentioned earlier, my beginning in steemit was terrible ... but I wanted to dedicate the necessary time to learn, and do what I like. the risk was worth it!
it's funny how now I 'wish' our mighty Ringgit becomes weaker against the greenback. let's do this together Team Malaysia! :)
Tell me bout it .. used to be 4.2 then now it's 4.01 .. oh well .. not complaining
Hope I can live on Steem too, so that I can game without worrying about income at all. 😆
What you need is POC . A proof of concept . Try blogging about Ur gaming for the next 1 month . You can see that your follower base and income will rise gradually . Don't forget to engage with others as well .
Will do. Thank you for the advice!
This is truly a game changer. One day millennial parents would berate at their kids and say "stop playing games, you need to learn a skill you are passionate about on the internet to make money"
And these kids are already trading cryptocurrencies... and making more money than we do.
Before Sleep Steemit !
Wake up Steemit !
Driving... Steeemit !
Everyday without Steemit!
LUNO & emitano Still not get use to it. Really need help on how to Withdraw it out ! @Bitrocker2020
You mean everyday with Steemit.... Right?
Aha ... Sure man .. u r coming for our 13th Jan gathering right ? Let's catch up then
Ehhh driving jangan steemit, nanti accident 🙈😬
The one thing you are missing is the comment part of steemit. You can be a great curator and commenter and earn as much by having a discussion on other peoples post as you do authoring your own. My blog post do decent and I am pleased with how I have progressed, but I think a lot of my steem has come through interacting with others
That is indeed a great strategy for engagement and gaining solid followers
I'm so tempted but can't... damn Steemit is addictive :)
Haha ... I know right
2018 goal.
2018 Goal ! 1000SBD
Yes yes yes!
i do wish it could be the main income but still long way to go. still learning :) there will be a teammalaysia gathering on 13/1?
Yes there will ... Come come the event link is up in the post
Yeah been thinking of it... can't help it especially when you have a partner like @maverickfoo nagging at you, day and night about steemit, haha
LoL !! 😎 With the price up high it really makes sense to do it.
hahahaha.... eh eh .. at least u got a daily motivator when u dont feel like it :P
I know a handful ppl here who quit their job and full time on mining and trading. With market up and down, I wonder if they have headaches more than me, when all I do is blogging for mere cents 😂
Are there a lot Malaysians on Steemit?
There are more and more Malaysians coming on steemit everyday
We all started with just mere cents... But eventually the more friends we made, we will see the cents grow. Engagement is as important as good quality contents for!
making money by making friends and talking kok all day.
How cool is that, lol!
Yes! It's easier now with the support of Team Malaysia! Back then we have nobody... So just go out there and mingle with fellow Malaysians and also other groups which have the same interest and passion as you!
That's the dream, man! Aiming hard for it this year :)
you will surely get it man
Thanks for the kind words, bro :)
Nice post! There is no doubt that steem is no ruling the world. So steem can be the main job for anybody. I follow and upvote.
nice selfie....on teammalyasia...
I hope steem price increase day by day..
yea !
Would absolutely love to have my income made fully in Steemit. I don't have a lot of knowledge in crypto currency and I can't post a lot when Im working or in college. Dublin is very expensive and working on a minimum wage without tips is too stressful and isn't profitable. Hopefully 2018 will be the year for the dream to happen when I don't have to work a shitty job and have no life without being able to afford anything. Steem has helped me so much and I am so glad it exists ^^
I'm sure that everyone here is facing almost similar challenges ... It's either shitty jobs or the fact to face horrible clients which demands so much but pays so little. Best part about steem is you don't need to be an expert in crypto to be good in steemit.
Yes, I absolutely agree. I try to tell a lot of my friends about it and a lot of them thought its a scam, even when I first heard of it I thought the same thing! but so far its the best thing that has ever happened to me. I would love to learn more about crypto as I feel I could take it further though ^^
I will think about moving there in 2018, if #teammalaysia would welcome me.
Of course ! Come come ...
Great bro...nice one.
I would love to answer "I am a storyteller and I share my stories on Steemit" when someone asks me what I do..... hmmmmm, I like the sound of that, haha..... it's the numbers that's got me a little nervous. Still dare not tinkle with the Rewards and the Wallet 😅
LoL .. can u like goto Ur wallet and Redeem Ur rewards
It would be great if I can live off Steemit alone, but I won't quit my job even if does become a reality.
It means I can pick the projects that I like, at my leisure, instead of taking on every job that comes to me!
You choose job, not job choose you 😏 Be the boss of yourself
time for custom suspension
i will quit my job when my other plan works but not living on steem. for me steem is to fund my hobby
thats cool
I would like to say a big thank you for #teammalaysia for introducing steem to me! Looking forward to learn from all gurus and sifus here :P
Awesome post! I am in Sarawak and is planning to focus more time on Steemit too :)
great to hear that @khusairy !!! lets grow sarawak !
Interesting discussion points in the next meeting on the 13th January 2018. Will hear the outcomes from somewhere, someone. LOL Have fun!!!
There is always a possibility. I just got in to Steemit and i am pretty excited about it, even more so to know from @maverickfoo that there is a teammalaysia! Looking forward to meet u guys in person coming week. ;)
awesome .. hope to see you there as well ! just saw your first post ... cheers =)
Working with Gurupata is a lot of profit. Hope you will continue to be successful.
Surely steemit can be helpful anywhere
I hope it be my main income for up coming month .
before I was wondering ready to eat some grass over the year
Wow.. did not know that people realy resign from work to do steemit fulltime...hmmmmm😳😳
Thank you for sharing and the tip mate!
I am very new in Steemit, just post it in 3 days only, haha, but I will try my best to achieve that level cuz I hate 9-5 day job. But for surviving , there is no choice, hope I could reach that level. And hope everyone in steemit can dreams come true.Haha
This is what I'm thinking right now "OMG!!!". I never thought that Steemit can provide a sustainable income until I came across this post. All this time, all that I can think about is earning a few bucks to add to my monthly income. I should be thanking you guys for opening up my eyes to reality. Thank you Mr. Boombastic @bitrocker2020 for sharing this. Thumbs up.