Dear Steemians
One of the challenges for any new steemians is getting an audience. Like any social media, its really hard to get someone to follow you unless they know you personally or they see your posts.
This post is not about how to get more followers , however these are ways you could try to appreciate your followers as getting them is the 1st hurdle ... retaining them is another thing all together.
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Everyone loses followers at some point .. some more then others.
Here are just 3 reasons as to why you could lose your followers
They are follow bots which will follow as many accounts as possible and then unfollow once they reach a high number of their own followers then will sell resteem services.
They followed you however you have been resteeming so much of other authors work and they can't find your own posts, so they followed authors which you resteem and unfollow you instead
They just don't like your content anymore
5 ways to appreciate your followers
Some marketing expert told me once that retaining a client is harder yet more rewarding in comparison of obtaining a new one. So I guess followers are literally your audience and they do have certain expectations to keep them interested. Here are 5 ways which may help you, everyone has their own methods however these are some of the methods I use or try to use which I do hope its effective :-
Keep your feed clean ... and only resteem content which you think which would be beneficial for your followers. If you keep on resteeming pictures of cats , the none cat lover may find it really boring after awhile. Remember, resteeming is actually promoting another authors blog, which is encouraged however your followers wants to see YOUR blogs that's why they follow you.
Visit your frequent follower's blog and engage , at times we forget to reciprocate those who always follow our blogs and take their time to comment on our posts. Once you touch a few thousand followers it does become a huge challenge however try your best to visit as many followers as your time allows.
Keep Upvoting great comments , followers who comments and then get rewarded by your upvotes are really appreciative. I try to upvote as much as possible however due to many voted post a day ... its pretty hard to keep upvotes high on comments. But you should try it out ... it really works well and new followers will also feel appreciated that you have upvoted them for their time and views.
Be consistent with your blogs If you are an artist one day and then talk about rocket science the next and then you are a motivator / trainer and then a chef and then a opera singer .... Its great that you are multi-talented but your followers may only like your artistry. Try to focus only on 1 or perhaps 2 .. and grow into the rest over time ...
Be Truthful If you say you are going to run a contest ... then RUN the contest or let your followers know why you are not running it. When you say that you are going to reward someone / something .. then just do it. Gaining trust is important and it should always be maintained as a priority.
I'm no expert in social media however these are just few of the fundamentals of any social media. The biggest difference is that the reward received from your followers has a real value.

Strongly agree with you on that.
Thanks so much for sharing ! Everyone could really do with such reminders from time to time. <3
Thanks for the post, this has really open my eyes to why my followers don't really read my blog post and comment as they used to. When I started Steemit I used to get up to 20 comments but now i hardly get one, would you advise I go back to my original writing pattern or become more connected with my followers?
Have to do more of 2 and 3 ... can get a bit overwhelming (and this is not even hitting a 100 followers yet 🤪) but I suppose it is to get into the rhythm @bitrocker2020
Yea I know it's not ez ... Once it balloons up in followers it gets harder so may as well start
Yup!... sometimes while we are creating a bond with new steemians friend, we forgot to retain with the one we already have... great reminder... tqvm master...
Ohhh yes! I have the same thoughts when I first started steemit too. Those are really good pointers and i'm praticising it for myself now. Thanks for the reminders @bitrocker2020! :)
Cheers @micbelleloh168
Excellent post Bitrocker. You have a great grasp for the psychology of steemit. I have found all 5 points to be true in my own experience.
Thanks bro .. I've seen too many steemians just neglect their followers and have the diva syndrome which is pretty sad.
good one! point 4 is something I’m figuring out. thanks! :)
hah ... no no no ... you gotta stick with music =P
These are excellent tips that you have shared @bitrocker2020. I especially liked this sentence;
I really do understand this statement of yours. Once someone follows you, it won't be an easy task to keep them being loyal. They might lose interest and follow someone else. So, an extra effort is required just to make them always interested, and thats the hardest part.
That's so true .
Thanks for helpful post @bitrocker2020
Cheers bro
You are right @bitrocker2020
Thank you For this tips..really important..steemit totaly different with fb/insta..steemit more on gaining some new knowledge..and follow contest as well..Lol.😄
Haha .. you are right .. steemians are content sensitive as their vote carries rewards
Hi @bitrocker2020, this really fits the saying "What you're looking for is just right in front of you". I tend to look at other people's posts and engage with them, trying to build rapport but I didn't make much effort for my followers.
This is a very good reminder to appreciate my followers because without them, there's no me :)
Thanks @bitrocker2020
Exactly .. without you guys .. I'm just a lonely soul ranting to myself 😁😁😁😁
That'll never happen because I know a friend who always read your posts XD
and me, sometimes hahahahaha
I dun kkow bro ... i felt that im touch reading ur post... touch coz i need to “CHANGE” 😩😩😩.. thks for sharing again bro .. c u soon ..
Hah .. this will be covered during the masterclass 😁 I guess .. how to gain new followers as well
great post @bitrocker2020
ThanX for good tips:)
It is a good post!
Can see how tough is it to run a 1k above followers' account and be engaging and truthful as well! Salute!
Truly extraordinary @bitrocker2020
Ive been wanting to know abt this. Steemit to me so far is give and take. Dont just take i think :)
Appreciate it and thanks:)Great post @bitrocker2020.
Very true points. Thanks for sharing!!
I will follow you... @bitrocker2020
Thanks for the tips..I just started my blog and trying to learn the ins and outs. I find your posting very helpful. I do agree with you that valuable content is one of the key factor to keep an audience interested.