This is a really great write up Chooy. I really had no idea of who she actually was.
And these feminazi's really are the next level of psycho with regards to referencing. I don't think I've seen an article more referenced on steemit, apart from maybe Lord Pervy's articles.
Thanks Gohba, and I appreciate your support on that.
You know I was just here Grading your entry using our rubrik and noting what I liked about it. I was rereading to be sure I was fair even though you weren't too nice when we merely asked you to make your direct quote more clear... and then i see that you got on me about extending the deadline and also said thanks to a guy who called us feminiazis and psycho for kindly asking you to be obvious about your citation.
So i have some thoughts
I'm not sure I understand why you care about our contest or feminist efforts anywhere if you support this behavior in men. We certainly wouldnt stand for anyone to say that about you.
I wonder, if we were men, would you have responded in this way by such a small and very kind request? Who enters a contest and then tears diwn the judges for asking for further clarification?
Why? Just why.
Because feminism is a toxic female supremacy movement.
That's how you define a group for an identity politics block that already has more rights than average, and still agitates for more. A supremacy group.
English definitions here, not an opinion. That's how language works.
Also, you are toxic as hell. Still. Big surprise there. Your entire response is gender-baiting.
You have divided the world up into two teams based on gender. Your team, and everyone else.
So I have some thoughts as well. Why do you instantly think I am a guy? Is it because Sisters HAVE to stick together, women can't speak up against the hypocrisy of Feminism, or because I disagreed with your treatment of this very talented writer, and a HIGHLY respected member of the steemit community that I just HAD to be a guy.
Also, you asked for clarification, she gave you clarification as well as reference material to justify her clarification, and because you are SOOO much smarter than all of the other academic people who have written the textbooks on how to reference, you STILL say she is wrong.
And lastly, yeah I still would have called out your BS if you were a guy. I would have used the term douche bag or wanker, but as your a feminist I prefer to use the term Feminazi.
And with all this being said, AS IF you would mark @choogirls article fairly and objectively. She dared to speak out against the almighty GirlPowa (maybe if referencing is so important, spelling should be on that list of values as well) I look forward to seeing the winner of this little competition, as I'm sure @choogirl is as well, so that she can see how it is that you are supposed to reference an article in your eyes, as obviously EVERYONE else in the academic environment is so obviously wrong.
Its because i looked at your account. True i always hope that its men trashing on us rather than the wimen we work so hard to support. True it does happen. However its obvious from looking at your account that you are a man.
I was only responding based on the link she gave me. That said we asked others to adjust to fit the contest goals and guidelines and most of them had nothing but kind responses and appreciation for creating the contest.truth be told-- im not as serious about plagiarism nor spellling. Im about heart. My favorite entry wont win even though it has the most heart but its fair. Thats how judging works and i support my judges decisions.
I wasnt actually talking to you. I was talking to her. Its pretty obvious you hate us. She, however, entered our contest which supports our goals. Thus the confusion.
Everyone in the academic environment commented on this post? Weird. I must have missed that. It was a small thing because the initial judge liked the post and it looked as though the words were meant to be her own. I have never seen actual quotes cited that way but I never claimed expert.
Its complex that we should use colloqiualisms in one instance and ask for clarity in a kind and completely justified manner that is befitting of a contest entry in the next but I asure you. We are perfectly okay with that.
We do mark divides. We create space and encourage diversity where it is lacking.
People harrass me in my dms for being a feminist and call myself and my volunteers names for creating a contest thats meant to be uplifting. Anti feminist hate is posted on steemit every day.
And yet im the one thats toxic🤷♀️ Weird.
Heres an anology. Lets say an austrailian creates a team for australians. Then they decide to have an account that talks about the awesome ways that australians have changed the past and future. They create a contest.
Then the entrants of the contests disagree with judges. People who are not australians start talking about how aussies are trash and racist or something that might be equally upsetting as being called a feminazi ( which btw is insulting to both feminists and also jews. hitler didn't just have disagreements with contestants.)
Especially he wouldnt have been as kind as we were.
@Limabeing. That Analogy wouldn't really work as us Aussie's are pretty laid back and couldn't really be arsed dreaming up a contest such as that. Truth be told, most of our history is very racist and dominated by convicts, with males dominating the convict numbers too over 6 to 1. I'm not too sure what all the fuss is about, but my thoughts around feminism aren't too dis-similar to @lexiconical's comment above. Believing another race or gender is superior to another is just plain discriminatory and thats all I'll say about that!
? We are just running a contest and asking for something to be clear. Why does that make us "feminazis" or "psycho" ?