Nothing as in easy peasy. I saw yours freewrites. You never heard of that phrasing? “Nothing” ? Anyhoo, no pressure it’s a compliment and encouragement But if you can’t do it(for whatever reason) no worries.
Of course I've heard that phrase. I just mean, I've never really corresponded with you before, so I was curious what led you to that conclusion. and freewrites are.. well, freewrites--they take five minutes lol. But I appreciate the encouragement.
Really? Hmm... Aren't you worried that may adversely influence or bias your judgement--good or bad? Often times, in contests such as these, papers are usually read "blind.." as in, the judges have no idea who the paper is even by... But hey, it's not my gig (see what I mean lol)
Plus, as lame as it might be, I HATE losing--especially when I put my heart into something--and, you know what, I cant think of ONE contest that I've ever won in my life--and im 34 lol--especially on steemit lol. It's become kind of a running joke ... I'm starting to think maybe I should just throw in the towel. I may post the paper, just because I have already doen most of the work, but... Yeah. It's just probably not a good idea for me to "compete."
Dood! I’m the same way and I wrote for this one justas an example and submitted an unofficial entry. Working for nada! Hahahah
I say try and you never know!!! Sometime do the last minute writings are the best. Anyhoo, not that many entries and 5 prizes to hand out on this one. Think about it.
Ok. I know at least one other person--happens to be a guy as well lol--entering--sheesh, looks like more men responded to the post than even women?!? That's kind of interesting...
Just doiitttt 1500 words is nothing for you! Good monies and if not many people enter it’s an easy win :p
"Nothing for me??" How you figure.. lol
Nothing as in easy peasy. I saw yours freewrites. You never heard of that phrasing? “Nothing” ? Anyhoo, no pressure it’s a compliment and encouragement But if you can’t do it(for whatever reason) no worries.
Of course I've heard that phrase. I just mean, I've never really corresponded with you before, so I was curious what led you to that conclusion. and freewrites are.. well, freewrites--they take five minutes lol. But I appreciate the encouragement.
Yeah I read people’s work especially if they entered a contest I am helping judge. :p
Really? Hmm... Aren't you worried that may adversely influence or bias your judgement--good or bad? Often times, in contests such as these, papers are usually read "blind.." as in, the judges have no idea who the paper is even by... But hey, it's not my gig (see what I mean lol)
what? nothing would influence my judgment, i am a fair person. anyways, joining would be up to you ultimately. good luck if you do.
Plus, as lame as it might be, I HATE losing--especially when I put my heart into something--and, you know what, I cant think of ONE contest that I've ever won in my life--and im 34 lol--especially on steemit lol. It's become kind of a running joke ... I'm starting to think maybe I should just throw in the towel. I may post the paper, just because I have already doen most of the work, but... Yeah. It's just probably not a good idea for me to "compete."
Dood! I’m the same way and I wrote for this one justas an example and submitted an unofficial entry. Working for nada! Hahahah
I say try and you never know!!! Sometime do the last minute writings are the best. Anyhoo, not that many entries and 5 prizes to hand out on this one. Think about it.
Ok. I know at least one other person--happens to be a guy as well lol--entering--sheesh, looks like more men responded to the post than even women?!? That's kind of interesting...
Yes it’s not gender specific and plenty of men that support women.
Well, I'd just be doing it for the money, so...
many people are so ...