After ordering the food, I remembered I left the money at home half way into the meal.
The ex I went to impress at that restaurant gave me this look when she realized I didn't have money to pay for the food, she was a waiter at the restaurant.
She quickly reported me to the bouncers and they gave an agressive and scary clap
But I faked a smile to make it seem everything was alright.
Things were getting serious so I started explaining
The bouncer took his shirt off and shouted "shutup"!!
When I saw his body I took to my heels crying for help. Some of the customers thought I was inSANÈ
I got to the gate and saw another bouncer looking at me like this
I stopped running and started another episode of explanation saying "see, this money is nothing...just give me the chance to go home and bring it"
The strongest bouncer said "you better stop talking before I break your jaw" so I was like
Our of fear and run into and hid in the washroom
The bouncers smoked me out pretty easy and gave me this devilish look
When they caught me I was like
The real fight finally began and I received a beating I'll never forget
End of this episode. Please up vote and follow closely for more episodes. Don't hesitate to comment your ideas on how to make this better.
Lol, u are not correct at all.