He still struggles with reading so I'll be helping him around the site. Yep sounds like you should definitely be trusting that back of mind, sounds like it knows what's on about ;D
We're already learning to tell spam comments from genuine comments from his intro post, and he knows at least academically to just ignore any nasty comments. Hopefully he won't get any so we won't have to see how we go reaction-wise!

Haha! It's awesome that STEEM is now part of the curriculum. I bet he'll be a whale in no time!
Oh it helps with quite a bit of the curriculum! He'd love that but not too soon I hope, we don't need any (more?) megalomanic whales XD
Hahaha! I like how you refer to your own child as a megalomaniac haha! It would be interesting what an 8-year old whale would choose to support though. I'm sure there will be anarchy.
LoL! Whatever he thinks is cool XD He did tell me that he wants to spread happiness so he was dishing out his tiny little upvotes in his comments the other day. Which reminds me I need to see when he wants to do some more steeming (currently he's playing outside with his brother and why would I interrupt that ;D).
ps on the megalomaniac you would have to meet him to understand DX
Based on the philosophical questions, I think I know haha! I really hope he gets into it here. It would be interesting to see an 8-year old conversing with wizened people or even the sarcastic ones. I bet that would be fun to read! I'll follow them after I do my purging, so for the meantime, I'll trust your resteems to get to their posts. Because of my algorithm, they'll be casualties of my unfollow bot, so I don't want to stain their accounts with an inadvertent unfollow.
PS I'm kind of the same way :/
Not sure he'll have the attention span for that much reading! XD
Stain their accounts? It's probably all logged somewhere but I don't think it would matter. I've had quite a few unfollows now and don't particularly care XD
I bet that'll infuriate the person he's debating with hahaha!
It'll be etched forever on the STEEM blockchain, so I don't want to explain my actions years from now haha!