This is gold ! Well written and I am still giggling at the cleverness and perfect formatting of your post. I should be crying, though, in my own Tasmanian "woop woop" town, where the NBN has been 'advertised" on a shop front for the last 3 years as "NBN is here, now"... or something similar. We are still on ADSL with its few peaks and many lows, but we sure do not want this NBN when it is finally ready. We are aware that NBN is an even worse option than our current ADSL
Wow, thank you so much for your kind words.
Ah, the NBN stories just keep on comin'
@choogirl, I just shared your post in facebook (do not laugh, I know, it is like going back to the pit. Know that I am working at -my way out of there-... asap). I also read your bio, I am definitely following you and resteemed your post. Looking much forward to more of your world traveller articles :-)
Hey, FB still has it's place. There's stuff I'd share on there about my life that I wouldn't put on here. It's all good.
Thanks for your support. I hope to create interesting posts as time goes on. I'm aiming for 1-2 a week at the moment, which seems do-able.
Hey @choogirl please be extremely careful with what you share on FB, even privately through private messaging or especially so!
Personally, I trust stemmit with my entries, my comments, my all around participation in this new community.
Why? Because on the blockchain chain, you own who you are, no-one ever can steal your "user" and impersonnate you. There are a lot of FB people warning their followers of a "stolen FB identities" of late, more than ever, so!
PS: There are many other tech advantages over FB that geeks would explain better than I could ;-)