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RE: My Easter weekend holiday is not what I had planned

in #teamaustralia7 years ago (edited)

Definitely not what anyone would want for a long easter weekend my friend ! m sure everything will be fine with a lifestyle change like medication , a change in diet and excercise , at least you have a very nice private room wow ! we dont get nothing like that where i live with overcrowding in the hospitals . Enjoy your relaxing quiet time while you can lol my prayers are with you for a blessed Easter Sunday .upped and resteemed😀🌺🌷👍


They have just opened this new regional teaching hospital, it’s a massive improvement on the previous one. The area I live in is growing very fast and we’re adding over 10,000 residents a year plus tourists so it’s been long overdue and greatly needed. I’m very glad of the comfort but also thankful for the Doctors, nurses and all the support staff.Thank you. I told my son @frobear we’re going raw vegan when I get home. I wish I’d captured the look on his face.

Hahah , the look on your sons face would have been a great photo Lol ! It sounds like your in the best of hands and in a great hospital ! Get well soon my friend !😀✌💕🐰🌷