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RE: A Little Cultural Comparison

in #teamaustralia6 years ago

I know the feeling of watching a show from the US and wincing as the characters allow successes to go to their head. It is actually on of the things that is pretty distinctive between US and Canadian culture. As mentioned I mentioned in my comment to @shaidon there is a very different view on power distance between the US and Australia. Where Americans would refer to their President as 'Mr. President Sir' Aussies would call the Prime Minister Malcolm or even a nickname. How do you see it function within the work and responsibility context here in Australia?


But then Aussies did nothing when Howard banned semi-autos in 96.

Imagine the response if Trump did the same?
His head on a pike would decorate the smouldering ruins of the White House.
It's like Americans have more respect for the Office; while Australians show affection or contempt for the individual who holds the office.
This might stem from the idea that our Head of state is actually the Queen, and the PM is more of a high ranking public servant.

This is true! But there is also the fact that the US established their country (war of independence) and and to a great degree their identity (the civil war) through armed conflict. So the root connection to firearms has a different flavour. I can see what you mean with the individual being held to account. If Australian's are unhappy with the individual in leadership there can be a pretty quick change. Where in the US there is much more hesitation to toss a party leader when things look rough.