Wow, stories like that are always frightening. Just goes to show that disaster can strike anytime and in most unexpected ways. You've got to live life as well as you can and enjoy every day you've got, because none of us know how many more days we have left (hopefully a lot though!).
Snakes have always creeped me out. I'm thankful I live in a place where dangerous wild animals are not much of a problem. These precautions are good to keep in mind when I go on summer camping trips though.
Hey @cryptomancer, thanks for the reply. It is frightening how fragile life is. I knew a work colleague once who went on a bush walk one weekend, fell down a 30m decline and was pinned under a boulder. Required medivac and had the arm amputated.
He was pinned in water but was able to keep the head above it. Along with the lung punctures and other injuries he was very lucky to survive. I'd only seen him in the office the last working day. Sends shivers just thinking about it.
I agree, people get complacent and when they travel out of their own safe environment, it can be hard to get into the mindset of keeping aware of predators. Stay safe!