This is so interesting to read! I hope you realised you needed to save some money for tax before the end of the financial year so the ATO didn't chase you down?
That's kinda bollocks-y you aren't allowed to protect yourself. Seems like a high risk job (if tv is anything to go by) so having something if things go wrong would be a good idea.
Lol. Love that twitter conversation. I'm guessing he didn't agree to $700.
I totally wasn't thinking about my taxes at all. Prior to sex work I'd always received a return and never had any issues with my taxes. That was the first year I received a bill (a fucking huge bill😅)
The QLD laws are fucking ridiculous and we're working on having them fixed. There's currently a campaign for #decrimqld that I'm involved in. Hopefully we make some headway.
And alas, I didn't make $700 that day 😭