Sunday in the Blue Mountains : Getting eclipse ready, markets and food, glorious food.

in #teamaustralia7 years ago (edited)

I'm one of those people who are totally in love with where they live.

We moved up here 3 years ago and have vowed never to go back down the mountain. With the ridiculous Sydney real estate prices and the amount of people everywhere, the move up just made sense.

House prices up here aren't as bad as it is in Sydney, although it's been catching up very fast in the last year, no matter what there will never be the same amount of people up here simply because the powers that be wont release the land.

Council wont even allow McDonald's to come up. The only big fast food franchise we have up here is Dominos :D I love how our council is like that.

Anyway!!! Enough bragging about my little hippie hood...

With Monday being Total Solar Eclipse Day, hubby and I decided to venture out and explore the mountains, get some fresh air, set some intentions, relax, balance ourselves out and flow with the Universe.

Driving along the highway we saw the market was on. Hooray! I was hoping it would be. I've been here a while, my neighbor has a stall there, yet I forget when it's on every time lol

Note: If you're going.. Ooo I might check this market out. Hold that horse. Make sure you get there early. Don't be a slow ass like us and rock up late. We drove around the block a few times before we could find a spot that was legal...

Walking in the first thing we see is the RFS (Rural Fire Service) is represented!

The RFS are our local heroes up here, a lot of them are volunteers and they do so much for our community. At Christmas they would drive Santa around on the truck and you hear all the kids come out of the houses. It's one of those small town perks we have up here.

Pretty much next to them was this guy.

"Traditional greenwood turner & furniture maker utilising ancient tools & techniques."

I swear I thought of my mate Gohba straight away. It looked so interesting, but I didn't want to gawk so we quickly moved on to see what else they had.

Wouldn't be a local market without local organic produce!

.... and lollies of some kind..

... and a few other stalls that I stupidly didn't take photos of on account that I felt shy taking a photo while they're all looking at me lol.

The biggest regret was not taking a photo of the Egyptian guy we bought hubby's drum and ankh from. I should have taken a video of this guy playing the drums. He did it so gracefully and with such ease - I was totally jealous.

We continued on to our destination Nineteen23

The first time we came here was for my birthday last year, loved it so much we came back for Valentine's Day this year and loved it so much again we took The Grans for lunch here a couple of months ago.

When we love something we LOVE something lol

Every time we come here we have the degustation/tasting menu.

Their Head Chef is a creative genius and likes to change the menu every season and according to what is growing in their organic garden on the grounds - so we like to come by and try the new menu. However, this is the first time we've come here as vegetarians trying out the vegetarian tasting menu, and as a new and constantly hungry vegetarian I was keen for a feed.

Are you ready for some food porn?

Smoked aubergine with blue cheese cream, macadamia praline & pepitas.

A slight variation from the menu - but one I prefer since I love eggplants. The blue cheese cream was not as pungent as I was expecting and complimented the eggplant nicely. The different textures from the slight crisp of the eggplant to the foam of the cream and the crunch of the nuts..

Total heaven. This was my fave dish out of them all.

Jerusalem artichoke and yogurt soup with pickled cucumbers.

This came out with just the garnish, cucumbers and oil in the bowl and the soup was poured in and created this rich, creamy goodness.

And once again, I didn't get the flavor hit I was expecting, but this is a good thing.

Chef Max has this way with flavors and subtlety that's just amazing.

Puff pastry with beetroots, turnips, sour cream and sorrel.

Another beautifully presented and delicious dish.

It was a good day to be vegetarian today!

Potato gnocchi with heirloom carrots, goats cheese and pine nuts.

The softest, pillowy gnocchi I have ever had and once again, with the whole textures and subtle flavors - it's pretty much a signature food experience.

Don't let the size fool you. This was by far the most filling dish out of them all.

Logan Brae apple granita & meyer lemon sorbet.

Not on the tasting menu but cos we come here so often we've made friends with the owner and now get spoiled rotten whenever we come 💓 Thank you Scott!

The only time I ever have granita is here. The last season granita was watermelon - which I thought was unbeatable but now I honestly don't know which I prefer. They're both perfect palate cleansers.

Finally!! And just as well cos I'm about to pop!

Wattle seed panna cotta with native currant and sauterne jelly.

If you're wondering.. It wobbled perfectly. Textbook panna cotta wobble.

And apparently those currants are hand picked from the bush up here somewhere. Crazy right? They were so good too!

Of course one last little treat from Scott, in form of that rich and intoxicating digestif. I know.. Spoilt plus!

What an awesome day. What an awesome place. If you're up in the Blue Mountains you HAVE TO come to Nineteen23.

That was pretty much my Sunday, last Sunday.

Spoiled and pampered, and so uttterly grateful for all my blessings.

Full as.f and couldn't be happier with the world - the perfect mindset and place to be for the eclipse the following day.

Topped off with this view on the drive home.

I swear I live in one of the best spots in the world.

Yep. Life's good! 💗

All pictures taken by me on my Samsung Note 3


All i need is the best view.

Best view... aaannd a glass of wine, and maybe a good book.

Bring the bloody bottle lola..bring akesh music.

All of the above and plus all you guys.

Reckon we can raise funds for plane fare and accommodation by next year?

Don't tempt known to just pack and disappear.

Ohh good!!! 😘😘😘

Haha is one bottle enough tho? 😊

For momi bear NO..bring a case lolsss

hahah yeh we need a case... :D

Ahahaha totots!


Great experience @bearone


Well done....
Thanks for sharing

Wow, what a great effortpost! Nice to see this - and this is exactly the kind of thing that deserves to be rewarded on Steemit!

Oh, and it looks like you've been living the good life! :)
Very cool post, @bearone.

@badastroza aww cheers man! <3 haha yeh I sure have. Life's awesome!

Nice effort @bearone. Great story... Makes me want to go for a visit. That food looks amazing!!


Aaron..which one are you agreeing to? The council to build a Mc Donald's??? Peace!


You're agreeing to a Mc Donald's??? Nooo!


Buy some french fries and leave them for months...i swear they won't rot. Better stick to sweet potatoes mate.

Thanks @bmj - Come on up! :) Its lovely here

This post made me hungry!

haha me too @darthnava
might see if hubby wants to come back this weekend :D

Those markets look like fun! XD And hey if you're shy you could always ask if you could take photos XD

Ohh Im terrible like that @ryivhnn, I'm even too shy to ask if I can take a photo lol
I'll get hubby to do the asking :D #teamwork

Wow place looks amazing. My friends in Sydney were telling us about the Blue mountains just a few months ago and we have planned a long weekend trip with them in October. I really am looking forward to it now.

It is amazing!! Pay attention to how you feel when you start off at the base of the mountain and then how you feel as you get higher.

It never fails to make me feel better :) Its cool up here.

So nice to have such view often. :)

It is ❤ it feeds my soul

Wow, sounds like a wonderful day and sounds like you live in total paradise.

Twas a brilliant day mate :) I do ❤
Some people like the ocean. I'm one of those mountain people.

Great post babe.
Looks like a beautiful place .

Thanks Percy :) Its lovely 😍

Very nice photo. I UpVote.

Thanks Malay :)

nice work. I love seeing traditional wood turning. They do such an amazing job.

But now I'm starving, I'd kill for a panna cotta right now

Cheers Gohba! Was hoping youd see this! The guy blew my mind. It looked so old school and very amazing.

Haha yeh that panna cotta was delish!

ooh you got to 1923. I will def have to check it out. That granita looks good so I will be throwing your name about as a reference! PS I thought you said no degustation menu this time lol! All looks so good..I gotta find a free weekend and come up!

I propose a Team Aus meet up here lol..

Well no meat degu... tho it does say tasting menu... every time I go there I'm drunk :)

That menu is to die for! :P Everything looks yummy most especially the panna cota and the glass of wine.

It was delicious. Truly drooling just thinking about it ❤ I still want taho and fish balls tho 😂

Awesome blog post mommi bear. I want to be there too.

SteemPh goes to the Blue Mountains. ... i can see the blog title now @deveerei.

Got to get a passport.

Great photos @bearone. Made me miss the blue mountains meat pies and the view of the Three Sisters :(

@precise Now I really like you!!! Mountains Pies has the best pies in Sydney, well I think so anyway ;) I used to get the big breakfast pie with the poached egg with hollandaise on top... *drool...

you're making me crave some more @bearone... too bad i can't have those fix here ... I got this instead

Well done! I love a good travelly-food write up! Brings joy into my life!

We live in Wollongong and always enjoy a trip up to the Mtns when we get a chance. The last time we were up there, was on our way through to Mudgee to visit my Dad for his 60th. Fun night!

Actually, one of the most memorable times was when we stayed up at YHA in Katoomba and drove out to Shooters Hill to chase some snow! It was amazing!! That about 2 years ago. Australia looks so weird under snow, I must say.


@nickmorphew Cheers man! I really appreciate the awesome comment!

Haha Oz does look a bit out of place under snow and I think that's what makes the locals go nuts.

I remember that snow up here 2 years ago! We had just moved up and the BM Social Page on FB was going nuts reporting snow sightings etc and locals were recommending using the Real Estate signs to ride down the hills on 😂 I seriously contemplated taking ours down and giving it a whirl 😁😁

We have family in the Gong! We're actually out there a few times a year for things. Its great to switch from the mountain view to the sea view.

The sand I use in my work is from Wollongong so are the shells 😊 You make me wanna come down and visit.


Small world! It's so funny that you remember that time as well. I remember the first teeny tiny snow flakes hitting the windscreen as we drove through Mount Victoria on our way down to Shooters Hill. I remember telling my partner how you know it's snow and not rain - it bounces off the screen instead of splatting.

Your artwork looks beautiful :) - especially with those lovely flowers you have just behind them.

All the best,

The weather and Food looks Amazing!

Cheers Cloh!

The photos of the food look amazing. Love some penna cotta!

@snooway Thank you ❤ You'll love this panna cotta!

really amazing natural beauty @bearone

it is :)