
in #teaching7 years ago

So, Hi! I'm a 49 year old language teacher from England. I have just finished a two and a half year period of teaching in South East Asia and my next contract is in Moscow. I have always kept in touch with a core group of friends via email preferring that to 'Facebook showboating' and I take great pleasure in turning my rough hand written journals into something fun and interesting to read. Steemit came onto my radar via a friend and I thought it might be a good way to share some of my experiences with a like-minded community.
Teaching and travelling have, like everything, pros and cons. It can get lonely and I sometimes feel very isolated from my own culture and have a sense of alienation from some of the things that are at the core of my being i.e horses, animals in general and the natural world. There is not a lot of Sussex countryside to be found on the street of Vinh City ( the location of my last teaching contract). But there is a pay back, of course, and there are things that I have seen and experienced that are utterly unique, sublime, and ridiculous in equal measure.
I suppose I am an economic migrant to a degree and like everyone am just trying to hustle my way through.
I hope that I will have something interesting to offer here and I am looking forward to reading members posts.