Just noticing who hasn't commented yet: DanTheMan, Ned or TDV...
probably they are creating some butthurt response to this. This should start a fire storm of awesomeness... great post @StellaBelle I refused to follow you before this post, but I give up, you are posting too much awesome content. So I am gonna "unfollow TDV", though I will still check in to leave scathing comments on the TDV blog, but I am gonna follow Stella instead. Berwick and your ridiculous Shemitah, I am no longer the only one hating on you and it is great! TDV has been totally p4wn3d by first @Kyriacos and now @StellaBelle.
It's all fucking there on the internet. Well, except for the real phone calls I had with Berwick's victims. Their phone numbers are all on the internet, one just needs to call them up to find out the truth, directly from the source. I won't tolerate any form of scams and I won't tolerate those who are actively stealing other people's money. You see, unlike most people who have developed excessive lifestyles like drugs, booze, prostitutes, mansions, etc., I have continued to live like a monk after I conquered my vices. I buy only what keeps me alive and therefore, I require very little.
My spending is on homegrown weed, bullets, and gasoline and that doesn't cost much, so we have similar spending habits. I agree with you, if it is there online it is fair game. Knowledge should be free and open. In fact using that same principle, I just did a total p4wning of the "Humanity Party", well a second p4wning of them, and it was based on what I found online. So digging up dirt on people is 100% fair game. Great job Stella! Jeff if you are reading this... #DealWithIt
I had no preconceived notions of his businesses or anything. I just thought he was a Doom Porn Infomercial dude who was charismatic and good on camera. Actually, I like watching him on video. He relates to people very well. He really needs to just focus on the entertainment aspect instead of the business side of things. He seems to have poor judgment. If anything, his Anarchapulco thing seems perhaps right up his alley and plays to his strengths. As I stated, I have no reasons to p4wn him or anything like that. No one is perfect and everyone has done stupid shit. But not everyone one has chosen to become a celebrity and also steal absurd amounts of money from others. When you choose the celebrity path, you immediately open up yourself to scrutiny. This is absolutely unavoidable.
If someone is running away from those who they have victimized, ripped off or maligned in any way, it will all eventually catch up with them. Having a decentralized, open social media platform just speeds up this process. As I said many times, I hope that the scams are not as bad as they certainly appear.
weed, bullets, gasoline. holy shit.
If it was possible to create a Steemit 2.0 Hardfork where investigative journalists ruled the land, I'd give everything I have to back that venture. A place where critical thinkers are the norm, not the outcasted. Actually, I foolishly believed that Steemit was that kind of place. I guess the same forces are at play here that are in mainstream: money corrupts even the best of us and the people who speak the inconvenient truth are ostracized, ignored or ousted.
full $teem ahead!@stellabelle Don't be too harsh on us......some of us honestly didn't know but it's like Cosby, he fooled a lot of people except the victims. The truth has come to light and so it seems to be here in this case too.
Yeah, I have been scratching and clawing on here to build up my steem power so I can push investigative journalists that I follow on here up. However it is a slow and long struggle and with steemfest looming I will likely be pushed down the relevancy chart when everyone gets a free 1000 SP for doing nothing but attending a party. The low price of steem and the very centralized nature of this platform makes it hard for someone with unpopular opinions like myself to gain any traction.