
...ya well...i don't even know why this is even on Dollarvigilante TV its pure close minded biased bullsheet

It is an interesting perspective on how all these people are connected (like how they all support Trump at these "anti-vax" rallies) while Trump is pro-vax. But his thoughts on "new age" medicine is complete BS. This guy believes that practices like yoga and meditation are just new age "Luciferian" agendas. He is obviously a hardcore Christian type. Just take what is useful from this post and discard what is useless.

Interesting perspective. Though I think that many of the truth speakers associate themselves with Trump because though Trump is pushing the injections, he had stated that it should be a choice that should be left to the individual. The narrator also portrays things like breath work and meditation as something “Luciferian” that should be avoided. It sounds like he is very much into his own religion, ie Christianity.

Politics is one thing, profession and religion are another. Just because two people happen to agree in two topics, doesn't mean they will have to agree in everything else as well. You can be a Trump-supporter and still be good at your job as a healer, oppose jabs and even be a faithful Christian. Just as you can be a Christian and do stretching exercises (aka. yoga) and breathing exercises (aka. meditation).